Forest Harvester System Management Workshop in Rotorua 2017
#Forest #harvester system management through Interpine's ForestPHD #STICKS Cloud Service. We are hosting an industry user workshop today at @ToiOhomai Forestry School in Rotorua. With some 20 million m3 of wood supply in STICKS over the last couple of years, 58,000+...
UAV and Harvesting Technology – helping to make forestry a safer industry
Interpine #UAV / #Drone and Harvesting Performance Systems team part of the field day showing recent advances in the harvesting technology being used and deployed into our #forest industry in New Zealand. This is coverage from #TVNZ One News reviewing the technology...
Weed Mapping for Hydro Lakes
Our #UAV / #Drone team monitoring invasive weed at New Zealand's #Hydro lakes, helping reduce the disruption to our power supply using #NIR(near infrared) imagery and the skills of GIS team for semi-automated classification for management of this risk to power...
Training Your Forest Supervisors to Use UAV / Drones
Great to be training another set of 10 #Forestry #Supervisors this last week deploying the #DJI #MavicPro #Phantom4bringing #UAV / #Drones / RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) to be a regular tool being used by our field foresters with our Forest #Industry here...
Achieving your UAV Civil Aviation Authority CAR 101 Wings Badge
Great to be training another set of 10 #Forestry #Supervisors this last week deploying the DJI Australia and New Zealand #MavicPro #Phantom4bringing #UAV / #Drones to be a regular tool being used by our field foresters with our Forest #Industry here in New Zealand....
Interpine at Hawkes Bay Career Expo
Great to again be participating in another #careers #expo, this time in Hawkes Bay promoting the #forest industry with the Hawkes Bay #ForestryGroup (collective of forest companies in the region) and our Interpine team to our next generation of forest scientists,...
Promoting Forest Industry to our Next Generation
Great to be at Rotorua and Hawkes Bay #Careers #Expo with a joint stand with Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology School of Forestry, Timberlands, Jensen Logging, Rotorua Forest Haulage, Pan Pac, Rayonier, Forest Management NZ, Eastern Inistitute of Technology &...
Use of Drone Mounted Sensors to Vegetation Detection
Our Interpine head office in #Near #Infrared 360 panoramic. Just a small example of a narrow wavelength combined image in Green, Blue, and #NIR(in the red channel). These sensors are mounted on our #UAV #Droneplatforms for the detection of vegetation and/or indicators...
ATLAS GeoMaster Toolbar Greyed Out in ESRI ArcGIS on our Cloud Services Desktop?
After an upgrade of GeoMaster and/or ArcGIS without our cloud services remote desktop, users may need to reconnect and setup their ESRI ArcGIS Desktop environment again (dependent on if this is a major or minor update). This means you will need to activate any...
Using PSLOG in our Cloud Services Remote Desktop
You will find a shortcut to your PSLOG application on the desktop or from the Windows Start Menu. This will open PSLOG in your cloud desktop environment. Understanding the PSLOG System Folder Contents Under your S:Drive you will find a PSLog shared user folder. ...
Trialing the Cloud Services for Forest Management ?
If you are trialing our services, there are a few things you should know. Firstly by signing up for a trial you have signed a trial agreement. This outlines your basic obligations in using this environment only for trialing the software and not for production...
Using Microsoft 365 with Interpine Cloud Services Remote Desktop (OneDrive and SharePoint) ?
When you’re inside Interpine's Cloud Services remote desktop environment, you have the ability to use OneDrive Sync client to access and sync documents to your Microsoft 365 account. This provides access to your OneDrive and SharePoint document store. Location...
Setup and Use Dropbox in the Interpine Cloud
We allow users to link there Dropbox accounts with our Cloud Management remote desktop in a similar manner to providing this functionality for OneDrive users. The service is setup for sharing your "Dropbox for Business" account or selected folders with all your...
Optimise your Remote Desktop Experience for Poor Internet Connections ?
As fibre broadband reaches out around the country those in main centers experience fast and reliable internet connections. Our forests are often in remote locations around the country well away from such luxury of high speed internet connections. So an often asked...
Monitoring Our Cloud Services Environment for Performance?
Interpine server infrastructure powering our cloud environment is continually monitored using eG Enterprise tools manage tools for performance impacts. A user dashboard is available to display key system parameters allowing users to see current load and system...
Linking Office 365 Stored Documents with GeoMaster ?
NOTE: For more specific use of document manager and its functionality see ATLAS GeoMaster help documentation. This FAQ relates to the direct link of Office 365 stored documents to GeoMaster. GeoMaster allows you to store important links to documents, to allow these...
Accessing Precise Information for Improved Forest Engineering Planning
Start precisely managing your in #forest #quarry stock #volumes with #Drones #UAV. This removes some of the unknown to enable better planning around your forest engineering projects. And with recent experience this also helps being able to react in a timely manner to...
Exploring Benefits of High Density UAV Drone Lidar
Exploring benefits of high density #UAV #drone #lidar from @RIEGL #VUX LiDAR scanner for forestry. With many hundreds of pulses per m2, the data allows one to measure trees and their attributes. This snippet of a cross section of Pinus radiata forest scanned by...
Using UAV / Drones for Storm Damaged and Salvage Assessment
In the wake of Cyclone Cook and Cycle Debbie, Interpine's UAV Team have are busy getting out to fly storm damaged blocks for insurance and salvage, as well as assessing roading/slips for access and recovery purposes. This provides key insights into repairing and...
UAVs Provide Footage of Cyclone Damage
Our UAV team have been busy out monitoring the recent impacts of the #storm damage across #forests estates using #Drones #UAV. This provides key insights into repairing and assessing damage from the recent cyclones #CycloneDebbie #CycloneCook.
STICKS Harvester Information System most widely used throughout Australasia
Are you interested in Forest Value Recovery from your own forest or those that you are harvesting or managing. Ask for a demo of our cloud platform #STICKS, and Plan, Harvest and Deliver based on production data from your harvesters in the forest. This collates tree...
LiDAR vs UAV / Drone Digital Surface Model (DSM) of Young Radiata pine
A profile view of an airborne #LiDAR (light blue) dataset from 1200m AGL vs #UAV / #Drone photo derived structure from motion #SFM digital surface model #DSM (dark blue) for a young plantation stand of Pinus radiata. Impressive just how well these datasets line up...
UAV / Drone Full Motion Video Mapping with ESRI Addin
An example of our remote sensing team using the Esri #ArcGIS Full Motion Video addin from #UAV #Drone video collected by our UAV's. In this case providing the ability to map features direct from the video feed taken by the UAV within ArcGIS desktop. Thus providing the...
Interpine Provides UAV / Drone Training to NZ Fire Service
Interpine #UAV team have spent the last week providing hands on #Drone Training for the @newzealandfireservice #USARteam with a range of DJI multirotors. In partnership with Massey University School of Aviation to certify their CAA RPAS wings certificates, it was...
Interpine Becomes a ESRI Partner
Excited to announce Interpine is now part of the #Esri Partner Network. This strengths our support for our clients across our #GIS services.
Mapping Invasive Aquatic Weed with Drones / UAV and Near Infrared
Our #UAV / #Drone team monitoring invasive weed at New Zealand's #Hydro lakes, helping reduce the disruption to our power supply using #NIR (near infrared) imagery and the skills of GIS team for semi-automated classification for management of this risk to power...
Exploring the Benefits of UAV Multispectral Imagery of the Forest
Exploring the benefits of capturing #multispectral imagery of the forest using #UAV / #Drones. Shown here are our UAV team using the MicaSense RedEdge sensor with our DJI Matrice 100. Sensors such as this allow for more advanced remote sensing analysis by our GIS...
Completing Thinning Silvicultural Inventory Using Drones / UAV
Silvicultural Inventory Using #Drones / #UAV - quantifying tree stocking and heights. Using drone based imagery and structure from motion photogrammetry, our remote sensing team combine an existing digital terrain model to allows forest managers to complete pre and...
Making a Difference in Rural Fire Fighting with UAV / Drones
Making a difference in #Rural #Fire Management with #UAV / #Drones day or night. Hotspot monitoring with @newzealandfireservice and Pumicelands Rural Fire Authority. Interpine's trained FLIR ICT thermographer's working on the fire ground with thermal sensor UAV...
Providing Foresters an Eye in the Sky a.k.a Camera on a Pole
Use of #UAV / #Drones as a #forest management tool, providing #foresters an eye in the sky. Inspect 200ha in a few moments. The productivity gains in staff time and gains in better crop monitoring are within reach. But managing the application of this technology needs...
Using Drone / UAV Thermal Imagery for Vegetation Fire Fighting
Using Thermal Imagery from UAV / Drones, as a means for Fire Monitoring, Fire Attack Planning & Hotspot Detection. An example video is shown taken during a controlled burn operations which was planned to show the effects of terrain & fuel types having the...
Enabling Full Motion Video Mapping with Drones / UAVs
Interpine are enabling #UAV / #Drones with full motion video mapping capability. Here is an example of marking out #forest harvest boundaries with an eye in the sky, no need to fly to the location to map it, just map with an oblique perspective. Pilots can simply...
DJI Mavic Pro > A Foresters Tool or Toy ?
Interpine is focused on enabling #forestry staff to be more effective in their day to day jobs with the deployment of #UAV / #Drones. The benefits of providing our existing experts with a eye in the sky, to see above the trees and landscape around us. Thus empowering...
Enhance LiDAR Forest Yield Estimates > Improvements for a clearer view of the forest
Our team continue to enhance #LiDAR based #forest #yield estimates. Moving from a 25m yield pixel resolution to a 5m dynamic analysis frame, creating higher spatial resolution of forest yield estimates through LiDAR #Imputation. While providing foresters a more...
Adoption Pathway for the Use of UAV / Drones in the Forestry Sector
Interpine's David Herries recently presented at the Landwise 2016 conference in Hawkes Bay. The focus was on the value of smart farming, with several of the speakers discussing the adoption and use of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles / Drones / RPAS). ...
UAVs Provide Timely Data for Forest Operation Management
As our UAV services expand we are seeing more of our clients see the benefit UAV's (Unnammed Aerial Vehicles a.k.a Drones or RPAS) to provide timely and cost effective information for forestry operations managers. In this example an aerial photo (orthomosaic) is...
Applying UAV / Drones on the Fire Line – Thermal Camera Hotspot Detection
Interpine UAV team recently put into practice the use of our UAV's (a.k.a RPAS or commonly as Drones) during a large controlled vegetation fire. With one of our UAV's now fitted with an integrated Thermal Camera Sensor, this is another example in the practical...
FFR Forecaster Now Available in Forest Management Cloud
Our cloud services have recently been updated to include Future Forest Research's Forecaster Software. Users of our cloud services for Forest Management can now have access to the latest version of Forecaster to use for predicting the forest growth and providing...
The Importance of LiDAR Data Quality Assurance
Interpine undertakes a LiDAR quality assurance audit in every LiDAR inventory project, to ensure the data produced meets acceptable standards. An audit is initiated within 30 days of final data delivery, the main objective is to ensure the data produced is accurate. A...
UAV / Drone Applications and Case Studies for the Forest Industry
After completing trials of different uses of UAVs, Interpine has been validating case studies and is now offering its new services to the forest industry. Figure 1 UAV Solutions Working with our clients, we have set up systems that automate data capture and...
European Insights into the Use of Harvester Data
Goetz Roth, Interpine's lead for the implementation of mechanised harvester production data has recently returned from Europe. In Europe Goetz attended 48th FORMEC, one of the biggest international Forest Engineering Conferences in the world. Over 300 attendees from...
Forest Yields from LiDAR Metrics, Handling Big Data for Plot Yield Imputation
Interpine's David Herries recently presented at ForestTech 2015, providing an update of use of LiDAR ALS (Airborne LiDAR Senors) for forecasting and prediction of Forest Yields. This provided an insight into the development of derived LiDAR metrics, improvements in...
UAV Applications for the Forest Industry – Paiwakawaka 1
Exploring the potential of Interpine's unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Paiwakawaka 1 (a.k.a Fantail), a Phantom 3 Advanced UAV. Several industries recognise the benefits of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV a.k.a RPAS* or Drone) technology and are turning to drones for a...
Students Discover the Technical Side of the Forestry Industry
Eleven Year 13 students from Rotorua Boys' High School recently went on a Competenz Discovery Tour at Interpine Innovation - a forest consulting and data management company working across the forestry industry. "The students were totally engaged and David [Herries -...
Using Custom Client Tabs and Fields in GeoMaster
In addition to the standard User Fields provided in GeoMaster, Clients may add their own tabs and fields which can be configured in GeoMaster so that they appear within the GeoMaster forms, reports and can be used for querying. These fields are known as Client Fields,...
Interpine Plays Key Role in Making the Victorian Forest Monitoring Program Reach 5 Year Milestone
Interpine's Roles in the VFMP Interpine was recently invited by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) to attend the open day to commemorate the successful completion of the first 5 years of the Victorian Forest Monitoring Program (VFMP)....
Maximising Forest Return: Part 1, Know the Value of Your Asset!
Maximising your return from your forest: The ABC's of Forestry Stumpage and Forest Valuation Part 1. Know the Value of Your Asset. Small forests, or woodlots, make up a surprisingly large chunk of the national exotic plantation estate. Yet some of these forests can...
Maximising Forest Return: Part 2, Appointing Contractors and Method of Sale
Maximising your return from your forest: The ABC's of Forestry Stumpage and Forest Valuation Part 2. Appointing Contractors and Method of Sale. Small forests are scattered throughout New Zealand and in each region wherever there are forests there are competent...
UAV Applications for the Forest Industry – Paiwakawaka 1
Exploring the potential of Interpine's unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Paiwakawaka 1 (a.k.a Fantail), a Phantom 3 Advanced UAV. Several industries recognise the benefits of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV a.k.a RPAS* or Drone) technology and are turning to drones for a...
Industrial Engineering, The Use of Data and Harvesting Performance Improvement
In 2009, a staff member in a large forest management company in the North Island, New Zealand expressed concern over the reduction in piece size of the stems they were processing in to logs. This company used a log merchandising system that captured the piece size of...
LiDAR Canopy Height Model Resolution – Does it Matter?
Canopy Height Models (CHM) are how many of us perceive LiDAR data and outputs in GIS systems in 2D, but sometimes it is good to understand how they actually represent the underlying LiDAR point cloud data. A client recently asked about the difference in height between...
Understanding Bucking Instruction (APT File) Application in Harvesters
Designing cutting instructions for harvesters is still something many forest owners and managers in New Zealand and Australia are still learning. Part of this learning is the use of Simulators from the harvester machine manufacturers. By using a simulator to help in...
LUCAS – National Pre-1990 Forest Inventory Survey 2015
Interpine is working with the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) on a planted forest inventory system for carbon monitoring. The first planted forest measurements were completed in 2007 and 2008 (post-1989 forests) with further surveys in 2010 (pre-1990 forests) with...
Adding Areas from Landbank into a Stand
In certain instances you may need to add areas from Landbank into a stand (and subsequent events) that have been accidentally left out by mistake; such as when you have created and planted a new stand and the exact boundaries are not known until after the planting...
Keeping Productive in GeoMaster by Optimising Layer Display in ArcGIS
Keeping productive when using GeoMaster and ArcGIS can be simple, but when overlooked users are often bogged down by the effects of long redraw speeds in GIS systems. This does not have to be the case and takes just a few moments to sort out. Two of the best ways to...
GeoMaster – Keep Your ArcMap MXD in Order with TOC Grouping
A quick productivity tip for those users of GeoMaster within ArcMap. We notice as users extend their ArcMap Mapping Documents (MXD files) with additional layers they can get an overload of data in their Table of Contents (TOC), and while cleaning it up might...
Bulk Importing Assessments in GeoMaster
Interpine has recently worked with the Atlas team to create a new utility for GeoMaster users. This is for bulk loading of assessments and their attributes into GeoMaster via a CSV file. This new feature can be accessed by GeoMaster users from the Utilities menu and...
Creating Cutting Instructions for Harvesters with SilviA 7 (upgrade of SilviA 2007)
SilviA 7 is a newly developed version of the original program SilviA2007 (last version produced in 2007 and was Windows XP dependent). Primarily SilviA 7 is used to create new cutting instructions (bucking rules for product pricelists) for distribution to mechanised...
Improving Value Recovery & Production Planning using Harvester Data using STICKS
Recently at HarvestTech 2015, David Herries and Jeremy Gibson spoke on utilising harvester information to improve value recovery and production planning workflows using a recently released Cloud Service called STICKS. STICKS developed by ForestPHD and Interpine...
Successful Workshop on Harvester Data Management
Interpine recently hosted a workshop on harvester data management at Waiairki Institute of Technology (WIT). 36 attended from forest companies, consultants, contractor entities, machine manufacturers (SATCO, Woodsman, SouthStar and LogMax) and academia from University...
Workshop 26th June – Managing Data and Wood-flow from Modern Mechanised Harvesters
Practical hands-on learning from practitioners, does it work and how to adopt it 26 June 2015, Waiariki Institute of Technology School of Forestry, Rotorua A workshop is being held for those interested in adopting the use of harvester information and the control of...
Interpine will be at HarvestTech 2015, Rotorua 24-25th June
Interpine will be speaking at the upcoming HarvestTech 2015 conference run by FIEA the 24-25th June 2015. We will be reviewing some case studies of improving value recovery & production planning through near real-time data collection from harvester operations....
Interpine and SATCO Implementing Feller-buncher GPS Tracking of Harvest Progress
Together with SATCO LOGGING ATTACHMENTS, Interpine is able through STICKS to track felling progress using GPS in a full tree harvesting system1 without the need for ANY additional software or hardware. As STICKS the Harvest and Woodflow Solution is constantly...
Deploying PlotSafe and YTGEN in Mexican Plantations
Interpine has recently undertaken a project to implement PlotSafe and YTGen within Mexico. The trip offered great interaction with local staff, and proved that good forest inventory measurement practices are internationally recognised principals. Language is often...
Make Your Paper Maps Mobile with PDF Maps App
We often get asked; "how can we get our forest maps onto our mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets" As expected there are many ways to do this, but in this article I thought it was worth covering one of the simplest. This being to simply stop pressing the...
PlotSafe Updated for Juniper Allegro 2 Handheld
PlotSafe has recently been updated for the Juniper Allegro 2 field computer by Silmetra. Interpine have been working with the new version of the well proven Juniper Allegro range since Dec 2014. Over this time our field staff have provided some feedback and working...
Measuring Abnormal Tree Heights during Forest Inventory
The modelling of diameter and height relationships during a forest inventory is often undertaken when a subset of tree heights is measured that will then be used to predict the heights of unmeasured trees. One such equation for doing this is the Petterson regression,...
PlotSafe Now Available in Spanish for Handheld Field Computers
PlotSafe is now available for use by Spanish forestry companies and field crews with the release of a Spanish install. To ease the language barrier as the software is adopted in South America, a Spanish version is now available from Silmetra. This replaces all the...
Airborne LiDAR Sensor Technology Update in New Zealand
Interpine recently presented an update in the airborne LiDAR sensor technology available for use in New Zealand. This was given to the Forest Owners Association GCFF Phenotyping technical steering group. This focused on what sensor capability has historically been...
Manage Your Devices and Data in Real-Time Using Interpine Cloud Service
Interpine has recently made available its device management system for use by our cloud services clients. This allows them to link rugged handhelds computers, tablets and smartphone to our cloud services. These devices can be operating iOS, Android, Windows, Windows...
LiDAR Derived Canopy Height Model – Practical Tips in Implementing Use
Canopy Height Model (CHM) is a difference between Digital Surface Model (DSM), being developed from first returns and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) created from the ground returns. Figure 1 - CHM image with trees between 0 and 65 meters of height. The lowest heights are...
Updating the Standard Operating Procedures for the Victorian Forest Monitoring Program
Background Interpine has been working with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP - previously DSE and DEPI) on the Victorian Forest Monitoring Program (VFMP) since 2011. Since then Interpine has been involved with DELWP by providing the...
Forest Inventory – Key Planning Components
At Interpine we offer a wide range of forest inventory products, all with same goal; to provide accurate data to decision makers. Here is a few tips to consider on this pathway to an accurate and precise final dataset. Outline Objectives Before starting the process...
Interpine Hosts LAStools Developer Dr Martin Isenburg in Rotorua
Interpine recently hosted Dr Martin Isenburg, director of RapidLasso, and the creator of LAStools and PulseWaves. Martin worked alongside our LiDAR for a week and attended ForestTech 2014. During this time Interpine also ran an introductory course in LiDAR use focused...
Toitu Te Waonui – Infographic Explaining the New Forestry Future for Maori
Māori land is a large resource that could be used to grow profitable, commercial forests. Large scale wood flows can be utilised to drive value-adding activities that will benefit investors, landowners and regional communities. Toitu Te Waonui (TTW) is a Maori led...
What is Plot Imputation and How Do You Generate Forest Yield Tables?
David Herries recently presented at ForestTech 2014 an overview of Plot Imputation as a method for development of forest yields using YTGEN. The presentation was designed to introduce and simplify the concepts of k-nearest neighbour and plot imputation while outlining...
Interpine Presents Latest Services at ForestTech 2014
Interpine recently attended both the New Zealand and Australian ForestTech conferences run by FIEA. The focus of this year's ForestTech event was remote sensing, field inventory and forest estate planning. David Herries presented an understanding of Yield Generation...
STICKS Harvesting and Woodflow Solution
Interpine Launches STICKS! In co-operation with an Australian based company ForestPHD, Interpine has developed a new cloud based product that improves decision making along the forest supply chain and helps interrogate data collected from mechanized CTL...
YTGen and Virtual DBH’s – Validating Upper Stem Diameters from PlotSafe
Virtual DBH's are used to process diameters of forks and reductions when processing data from PlotSafe to YTGen. A virtual DBH is a DBH applied to a stem where the stem does not exist at breast height. It represents the over bark diameter that, in combination with...
YTGen – Are Random Numbers Random? And How to Control Them!
What is random numbers and how are these used within YTGen? An example use of random numbers in YTGEN is for the calculation of height at which a stem breaks when felled e.g. the whereabouts of break, random numbers hereby only determinate the randomness of a breakage...
Disestablishing, Deactivating and Deleting Areas in GeoMaster
Managing forest information and operational events in GeoMaster is empowered by the link to ArcMap GIS. This means spatially all land be it productive, or non-productive can have detailed record keeping and more importantly a history. The core to this in GeoMaster is...
Adding New Areas into GeoMaster within ESRI ArcMap
Often you obtain new areas of land or forest these areas will need to be brought into your GeoMaster Forest Information system. If you haven't been given the new areas in a shapefile the first task is to map these new areas. You can either do this by creating in a new...
Value Recovery Auditors undertaking Training at Waratah
Interpine's Log Value Recovery Auditors recently attending a training session hosted by Waratah Forestry Attachments at their Rotorua training centre. The focus was learning more about the TimberRite measuring and control system, while also focusing on the key...
Interpine Updates to GNSS Floodlight Technology (Trimble Geo6000 XH)
Trees and buildings create "satellite shadows", limiting the areas where you can reliably collect high-accuracy Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS or better known as use of the GPS (USA) or GLONASS (Russian) satellites) data. Interpine operate high grade GPS for...
Toitu Te Waonui: a Māori afforestation initiative
Potentially a billion dollar opportunity for the Māori economy and a way to realise this. This is the outcome of a recent study undertaken by a Māori forest initiative group, Toitu Te Waonui. What is Toitu Te Waonui ? Toitu Te Waonui is the name of a forestry...
Mapping Out Forest Stand Gaps in GeoMaster and ArcMap
Let's be honest GIS editing can be a complex task and there are many tools and methods dedicated to this in software like ArcMap GIS. That said a forester often just wants to update a stand boundary, split a stand or map out a few gaps from a recent survey. In this...
Mobilising GeoMaster Data on Android Devices
The Atlas team have recently released the latest version of their GeoMaster Mobile Android app. Interpine's Forest Management Cloud Service has recently updated to GeoMaster V1.21.0 and ArcMap 10.2.2 which enables the use of GeoMaster Mobile. GeoMaster Mobile is an...
Working with Patch Layer Selection in GeoMaster
At the core of GeoMaster is the patch layer. This layer is a 2 dimensional layer of polygons (called in GeoMaster, "patches") covering the entire forest / land area. Hence the "patch" is the smallest unit of land recognised by GeoMaster. Patches fall into three land...
HARVESTNAV Software Updated to Version 1.5
The free version of HARVESTNAV is now downloadable and includes a number of new features which have developed from the positive industry feedback and infield testing. It now supports: aerial imagery the use of an external GPS, like a classic Garmin 60, 62S or 64 via...
Review Upcoming Operational Areas in ArcMap GIS Using GeoMaster
One of the features of GeoMaster's forest stand record system is its link to ArcMap. This gives the ability to easily visualise our forest and its related data. One feature often overlooked is the ability to select upcoming operations and quickly review them in GIS....
Using the 300 Index Growth Model in YTGen
This article summaries the main uses of the I300 growth model within YTGen. In summary the 300 Index model is a New Zealand national growth model for Pinus radiata. The Plantation Management Co-operative initiated its development before 2005; later Future Forests...
Cutover Residue Assessment Using Line Intercept Sampling
Practitioners Guide to the Methodology Introduction Concerned with improving the recovery of merchantable volume across a harvest cutover, a harvest supervisor or forest owner will often need to quantify how much is left post-harvest. The time and effort spent doing...
Woodlot Valuation; Accounting for Risk!
Woodlot valuation are traditionally based on averages which tend to ignore the effects of variability or risk. Sources or variability in woodlot valuations typically included the following: Log price changes JAS conversions factors m3 / tonne conversion factors Yield...
First to Record Accurate Location of Hibbertia devitata in Victoria!
Interpine was contracted by the Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) to establish and re-measure plots across the state of Victoria, Australia, under the Victorian Forest Monitoring Program. This is a long term project which aims to detect change...
Interpine Group Update (Ltd and Pty Ltd)
As of April 1 2014, Interpine Forestry Ltd (Company ID 205505) has evolved into Interpine Group Ltd (Company ID 3077529). This move brings with it the establishment of Interpine Group Pty Ltd (ACN 152308300) in Australia, thus aligning our business entities both in...
HarvestNav Now Available as a Free Download
HarvestNav is now available as a free download from the Interpine website. Users can now access the application online which was developed with funding from Future Forest Research Ltd. Version 1 of the application is being made available as a free download to...
Create Custom Event Prescription Documents – Direct from GeoMaster
Often foresters / supervisors will need to create prescription documents for contractors or internal staff to complete a field event. A simple event report in GeoMaster is often not customisable enough to create a format suitable as schedules in contract appendices or...
What is a Good LiDAR Pulse Density to Create a DTM under a Forest Canopy?
One of the common questions we are asked is how many pulses per square meter (pulses/m2) should be prescribed in a LiDAR survey to result in a "good" digital terrain model (DTM / DEM). The question then becomes what density of vegetation is covering the terrain. This...
Forest Inventory Sampling Designs for Plot/Sample Locations
When considering a forest inventory, as foresters we often need to create a sample plot layout across of net stocked area. As part of our Forest Management Cloud Service, GeoMaster Assessment Planner simplifies the creation of sample plot designs for forest inventory...
HarvestNav Deployed into Field on Skidders and Feller Machines
In conjunction with Future Forest Research, Interpine has been developing a Harvest Navigation System called HarvestNav. Interpine recently presented the HarvestNav system at the Foresttech Conference in Nov 2013. This outlined a series of recent in forest trials of...