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LiDAR’s Role in the NZ Forest Industry

LiDAR’s Role in the NZ Forest Industry

recent presentation to the NZ Institute of Forestry – Auckland Section by Hamish Marshall highlighted the role and history of LiDAR (light detection and ranging) in the New Zealand (NZ) forest industry. LiDAR was first tested and studied in 1960's so in itself it is...

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Creating Scheduled Events and Attaching to Areas of Forest

Forests are often managed using different silvicultural regimes as designed by the forest manager. A schedule describes a silvicultural regime which can be drawn on when scheduling forest events against certain areas of forest. A scheduled event differs from a planned...

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Splitting Patches Due to a Partial Stand Event

Sometimes forest events occur over part of a stand instead of the entire stand.  Some examples would be: A low pruning event has only been completed over part of a stand because of growth rate differences in the trees, with the remainder scheduled to be pruned next...

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Harvest Cutover Residue Assessment > History

Harvest Cutover Residue Assessment > History

Over the years many of our clients from forest owners, harvesting crews and forest supervisors have asked about harvest cutover assessment methodology. Many have struggled with the concept of the line intersect sampling procedure, so I thought it might pay to document...

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Harvest Planning with the GeoMaster Harvest Manager

Harvest Planning with the GeoMaster Harvest Manager

ATLAS Harvest Manager provides the company with a centralised system for managing all the harvest areas within the estate. It enables the harvest planner to record planned harvest areas years into the future, track the changes in state as the areas are prepared for...

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Visually Map Forest Operations – Without a GIS Team

Recently we were introducing GeoMaster to a new client, and one thing that stood out was making the GIS easy to use for the operational foresters and supervisors. Often as a forester you need or get asked to provide managers, forest owners and yourself with maps, to...

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Monitoring Harvest Cutover Progress with GeoMaster

Monitoring Harvest Cutover Progress with GeoMaster

Harvesting markups is a regular task carried out by most forest managers. This can be: an eyeball assessment sketched on a map, walking the boundary with a GPS, using offset waypoints with a GPS and rangefinder, or using an aerial flyover and photographs. Doing this...

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Monitoring Forest Operations Progress with GeoMaster

One of the regular tasks a forest operations supervisor will need to do is keep an eye on progress of their operations. As well as needing to update progress to assist in planning, this is often critical for contractor or forest manager invoicing and payments on a...

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Running MicroMARVL DOS based Programs in Win7 or Win8

Some of the well proven software applications such as MicroMarvl, or StandPak developed by NZ Forest Research Institute Ltd (now referred to as Scion Research), are still being used today by the odd user which often has the principles "if it aren't broke don't fix...

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Understanding Biometric Methods in YTGEN

New users often ask, what biometric methods are supported by YTGEN? In the forest industry most people consider these are functions or equations used to model the shape, volume, and inside bark diameter at any point on the stem. These are used in the log-making...

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Joint NZIF/APPITA Annual Dinner – 15 August 2013

The annual joint NZIF/Appita technical meeting will be held in Rotorua's Copthorne Hotel on Thursday 15th August 2013. This not to be missed event will feature a talk by Interpine's Managing Director Mike King. Mike is an experienced forester and entreupeneur and is a...

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ETS – Pre90 Forest Land Owner Update – Aug 2013

A quick update for land owners of Pre-90 forest, as it relates to the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme. By now you have received the second and final tranche of NZUs for your Pre 1990 allocation. These units have been transferred into your holding account from the Crown....

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ETS – Post89 Registered Forest Owner Update – Aug 2013

A quick update for forest owners of registered post-89 forest, as it relates to the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme. Post 1989 Mandatory Return Entitlement By now you would have received your carbon credit entitlement for the 2008-2012 period (five years) claimed under...

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Using PSLog in the Forest Management Cloud

PSLog is now available in the Cloud (provided online by way of Cloud Computing SaaS). PSLog has proven itself over the years as an easy to use, reliable and cost effective harvesting and logistics software system. It provides management information that facilitates...

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Managing Risks across your Forest with GeoMaster

A forest manager or forest owner is often confronted with needing to manage risks found across their estate. It is important their staff when planning operations are aware of these risks. The Risk Manager within GeoMaster enables details about GIS based risk features...

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Understanding NZTM Grid Co-ordinates

If you were ever wondering what those NZTM Co-ordinates (New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 projection grid coordinates) on your GPS actually mean, you are likely not the only one. Many people use these every day without actually knowing much about them. For example...

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A Simple Way of Creating Forest Inventory Plot Maps

Forest Managers need to sample their forest for a range of operations from quality control to resource assessment. This often involves putting in a sample plot network, creating a map for use in field and loading these points into a GPS for use to navigate in the...

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LiDAR – A Different View of the Interpine Office

LiDAR – A Different View of the Interpine Office

An interesting view of our head office in Rotorua using a recent LiDAR dataset. Shown below are a series of images of the LiDAR point cloud and subsequent aerial photo draped over the 3D model created by the LiDAR data. This is just one example of the information...

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ETS Support within GeoMaster

GeoMaster provides support for the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) by recording how much of your forest overlaps areas registered as Post 1989 carbon accounting areas (CAAs) and areas classified as Pre 1990 forest land. The ETS support works within...

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Calculate 300 Index Values within GeoMaster

The 300 Index is a measure of site productivity, representing the mean annual increment of stem volume of a Radiata crop at age 30 with a stocking of 300 SPH. This is often used for planning forest management activity and monitoring site productivity.  ...

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Using ATLAS GeoMaster in the Cloud

ATLAS GeoMaster is available as a cloud computing service (SaaS) provided by Interpine. GeoMaster is a proven forest information system used by large forest owners across New Zealand and Australia. Its user base includes hundreds of thousands of hectares of forest...

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Using ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop with GeoMaster in the Cloud

Using ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop with GeoMaster in the Cloud

ATLAS GeoMaster is now available for small to medium forest owners as a cloud computing service (SaaS) provided by Interpine. GeoMaster is a proven forest information system used by large forest owners across New Zealand and Australia. Seamless integration with ESRI...

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Using ATLAS GIS Manager with GeoMaster in the Cloud

Using ATLAS GIS Manager with GeoMaster in the Cloud

ATLAS GeoMaster is now available as a cloud service for small and medium forest and land owners, and managers. It enables the forest manager to easily plan, manage, and report on all activity within a forest and land environment, maintaining a history of all events...

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How Do Cloud Services Work ? What Does it Actually Mean ?

Cloud services is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted computer based services over the Internet. These services can broadly be divided into three categories: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and...

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Comparison of ETS Lookup Tables and FMA Forest Specific Tables

Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) are now releasing formally derived carbon yield lookup tables for participates in the Emission Trading Scheme (ETS).   These have been created specific to the forest and forest type based on inventory data collected through the...

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Country Calendar > Forester Thinks Beyond Radiata

Featured this week on Hyundai Country Calendar, Farm Forester Gabrielle Walton believes landowners should look beyond pine and plant a wider range of timber trees on their farms. She and her parents, Cloie and David Blackley, grow a mix of specialty timbers on...

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Forest Edges: Dealing with Plot Mirages in a LiDAR Inventory

Interpine have been doing several research projects looking at the potential of using LiDAR as an auxiliary variable in regression sampling. The results are looking very promising and we have a range of production field trials underway to move the application of LiDAR...

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GPS Accuracy Estimate (EPE) What is It ?

The use of recreational grade GPS (for example Garmin 60csx or Garmin 62S) is now standard practice for the location of forest inventory plots in New Zealand and Australia. We recently reviewed a few questions regarding the accuracy and precision of these GPS units,...

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A Move to Variable-Form Tree / Stem Taper Equations

History of Stem / Tree Taper Equation Development Taper equations can be used to provide predictions of inside bark diameter at any point along the tree stem and stem volume based on widely recorded tree dimensions. Equations that can accurately predict tree diameter...

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How Effective are LiDAR-based Forest Inventory Systems ?

ForestTech 2011 has held in late 2011 in both Australia and New Zealand. Interpine's Jonathan Dash and Hamish Marshall presented a discussion on Interpine's involvement in a range of trial work relating to LiDAR analysis. A quick overview of use and role of LiDAR in...

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Automated Log Counting: Proof of Concept at SilviLaser 2011

Improving log inventory is a key area where the New Zealand forestry industry could significant improve its supply chain performance. Although the process of counting logs seems relatively simple; in reality it is a difficult and labour intensive job. This is...

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NZ ETS Forest Measurement Approach (FMA) Released

As of 1 Sept 2011, MAF have now released the New Zealand Emission Trading Scheme Forest Measurement Approach (FMA). Participates can now register to apply for their sample locations, and begin to organise field measurement operations. Interpine has been involved in...

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The Original JAS Log Scaling Standards, MAF Japan 1967

Most of NZ's export logs are scaled and sold in JAS cubic metres. Most involved in the industry will be familiar with JC Ellis and DA Elliot's publication "Log Scaling Guide for Exporters – FRI Bulletin 221", which has become the New Zealand standard for JAS scaling....

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New Pruned Height Indicators in PlotSafe V1.4

A recent minor update to PlotSafe has seen prune height features stand out more to end users in the field. This will enable them to check the prune height carefully through a quick visual glance at the screen. Through user and client feedback we recognise pruned parts...

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Interpine and ForestrySA Collaborate in South Australia

In late 2009 Interpine carried out an overlapping feature cruising inventory for the first time in South Australia's Green Triangle region. Working closely with the resource team at ForestrySA Interpine developed and implemented a cruising dictionary for Pinus radiata...

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Modelling Tree Height in YTGEN

Which trees should be height trees? Tree heights are among the most time consuming and difficult measurements to take in a forest inventory. The measurer must be an adequate distance away from the tree to get an accurate measure of height (angle to tip must be <50...

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A Forest Condition Monitoring System for New Zealand

A Forest Condition Monitoring System for New Zealand

Over the past 100 years, New Zealand has developed a significant exotic forest resource that now provides the foundation for one of the largest industry sectors in New Zealand's economy. Alongside the commercial benefits of New Zealand's exotic forest resource sit an...

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Forest Canopy Drip-line Buffers for the Forest ETS Mapping

There are a number of guidelines and rules to consider when mapping forest areas when applying to be involved in the forestry ETS (Emissions Trading Scheme). One that is often missed by inexperienced forest mapping providers is the need to "position the polygon along...

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Mapping Your ETS Forests – Overview

If you're entering the forestry Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), you are likely to have been asked to map out your forest land. This is the first step used to estimate the total amount of carbon stored (i.e. the forest "carbon stocks"). Apart from determining your...

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Emissions Trading Scheme Overview – 2010

Understanding the Emission Trading Scheme and Carbon Markets is not always clear cut. Let us take a moment to review. The Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is the price-based mechanism established by the New Zealand Government to: Reduce net greenhouse gas emissions...

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Pruned Resource Evaluation – What is it ? Why do It ?

  The Pruned Log Index (PLI) was developed by former FRI scientist Jim Park in the late 80's and is respected throughout New Zealand by forest owners and Log buyers a like as the absolute measure of pruned log quality. Interpine is now providing stand sampling and...

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LUCAS Project Finalist in Government ICT Awards

The New Zealand Ministry for the Environment's LUCAS (Land Use and Carbon Analysis System) Project has achieved an exceptional placing, being one of the 4 finalists out of 16 in the Government's ICT (information and communications technology) awards held in late...

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Interpine are on the Move to New Premises – 2 Oct 2009

Interpine are on the move. Our head office is relocating to the TePapa Tipu Innovation Park, 99 Sala Street, Rotorua on the 2 Oct 2009. Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park is set against the magnificent backdrop of Whakarewarewa Forest, the 114ha of park-like grounds are...

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So What is the Timbertech Logger and How are we using it?

The Timbertech or Logger Tool was developed in the late 90's to assist a logmaker (log bucker) gain the best value solution from the trees (stems) as they are merchandised into log products. As shown in the video below, a handheld computer is connected to a digital...

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Carbon Inventory for Plantations Forests

Interpine has recently being working with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), Ministry for the Environment (MFE) and Scion Research to implement a planted forest inventory system for carbon monitoring. The first measurement season is now completed (July to...

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Pre-version 3 App” compiling Warning Message

Posted - 26/09/2007 :  09:56:06   Hi, when I open a dataplus application I get the error "One or more DPC programs are pre-version 3. These programs should be recompiled with the latest version of DPCEdit in order to avoid potential problems on the hand-held" But...

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So What is YTGEN? Generating Forest Yield Predictions

YTGen (Yield Table Generator) is software for generating yield estimates in a production forestry context. The prediction of yields by log grade often referred to as MARVL* (Method for Assessment of Recoverable Volume by Logtype) and is based on a forest inventory....

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Secure File Storage for PlotSafe Data

Data security is critical. PlotSafe has been created with a number of features to help secure your data from loss or corruption, and hence its name. PlotSafe is designed to run on Windows CE3.0+ and PocketPC 2002+. On each of these devices you will need to setup...

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Always Fullscreen DOS View When Testing APPS

Posted - 19/01/2007 :  09:24:08   When testing your DP programs in windows, is there a way to make the dos screen a window as apposed to fullscreen? I have modified the properties of the dos window to open as a window but it never listens and always opens full...

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Multiple Item Picklist?

Posted - 16/01/2007 :  13:06:36   I need the user to pick multiple items for a field. Do I have to have a separate field for each item with a yes no or is there an easier way. Thanks Tony ----------- Tony Wilson DataPlus User Posted - 17/01/2007 :  04:01:27...

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PLOTSAFE Forest Inventory Procedures Manual Available

With the release of PLOTSAFE and the RAD05 feature cruising dictionary, the CNI regional YTGEN user group have also released an update to the Forest Inventory Procedures Manual which will help people implement PLOTSAFE and RAD05 with ease. This can be downloaded...

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Logmaker Value Recovery Audits – Interpine LVR Ltd

For the past 18 years Interpine Forestry Ltd (IPF) has provided the forest industry with log value recovery services (LVR) beginning with the use of the FRI AVIS program to the now most widely used TIMBERTECH* audit tool. Interpine invested significant resources in...

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INTECH-CALIPER Branch or DOS Laser Measurement Tool

Interpine found a real need for a better way of measuring branch size during forest inventory. It is one stem feature which is still very much an eye-omitter classification which can have a big effect on any valuation of the standing resource. This is particularly...

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Why can’t i Use Auto-Line Num as a Primary Key?

Posted - 28/08/2006 :  14:44:10   How come i cannot make a column which is set to Auto Data Entry Type of "Auto Line Number" as a KEY Column ? Thought this would be a valid option ? being that this will always be unique. ---------------------- David Herries Forum...

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Connecting Garmin GPS data into Dataplus Issue

I am having problems getting GPS data from a Garmin Etrex into my dataPlus application. I can successfully get the GPS data into DataPlus on my Allegro using GPS expansion pod (com 3) and using a Holux GPS receiver on COM 1 but it does not appear to work with the...

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Lit Review: Log Quality by Acoustics

The use of acoustic technology has been recognized as an accurate, precise, and efficient means by which wood quality can be quantifiably measured ( ; Rippy 1998; Baldwin 1995). However, the process of measuring wood quality at the log...

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