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User Tips, Information and insights into the Services Provided by our Professional Team
Building a Stronger Team through COVID-19 Level-4

Building a Stronger Team through COVID-19 Level-4

We are in our 3rd week of COVID-19 Level 4 here in New Zealand. As a business we are focused on taking this opportunity to Build a Stronger Team. Our operational staff are focused on Online #Forest #Training using #MicrosoftTeams to connect and work through...

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COVID-19 Staying at Home, Save Lives, Get Back to Work Quicker

COVID-19 Staying at Home, Save Lives, Get Back to Work Quicker

And the Winner of the Interpine Isolation Day 1 Safe Start Selfie ......Caleb Strickland. A Hunting and Fishing voucher is heading his way. In all seriousness, the health and well being of our staff is paramount throughout this extremely difficult and unique time. We...

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TreeTools ArcGIS Forest Yield Toolbox – Tutorial

THIS TUTORIAL IS CURRENTLY BEING REVIEWED AS OF MARCH 2025. Please contact us for the latest guide. Overview Interpine's Forest Yield Toolbox is available for use with ArcDesktop and ArcGISPro for use with LiDAR Imputed nearest neighbour grids. This provides our...

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Conducting Tree Nursery Seedling Inventories Using Drones

Conducting Tree Nursery Seedling Inventories Using Drones

Have You Got Enough Trees in Your Tree Nursery for this Planting Seasons Orders? Interpine continues to fly its drones for forest nursery owners to provide a complete inventory of the seedlings in stock.   While traditional approaches have been based on sampling the...

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New Forest Scanning Systems Tested

New Forest Scanning Systems Tested

For the love of #trees, our teams love of #Environment #Forestry and #LiDAR combine with our recent work to step up virtual #forest #inventory with new scanning systems and analysis techniques. Our team continues to innovate in the assessment of...

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Changing Forest Inventory as we know it!

Changing Forest Inventory as we know it!

Our Director, David Herries recently spoke at ForestTech 2019 in both Melbourne and Rotorua. He covered how technology is changing the way Forest Inventory and Tree Assessment is being done. This short clip provides an example of the virtual reality systems which are...

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3D LiDAR Terrain Model Carved from Laminated Wood

3D LiDAR Terrain Model Carved from Laminated Wood

Visualising LiDAR 3D Terrain Models in Wood.  Thanks to some teamwork with Scion wood lab our team recently provided a client with a LiDAR-derived 3D terrain model carved from laminated wood. This unique way of visualising a landscape doubles the meaning of using...

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Deriving DTM using Machine Learning from Drone SFM 3D Models

Deriving DTM using Machine Learning from Drone SFM 3D Models

Another look at some of our offices for the day. This time our professional CAA 102 certified #UAV #drone teams completing an aerial survey of a forest area to be replanted over the winter. Providing updated #DTM using #machinelearning for deriving terrain models...

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Latest Forest Industry Drone Pilots Ready for Flight

Latest Forest Industry Drone Pilots Ready for Flight

Another group of 13 #foresters completing their #drone introductory wings badge CAR101 course with our #UAV team and Massey School of Aviation this week. Great to see adoption of drone technology as a tool and the forestry industry leading by example and adopting best...

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Hosting a Precision Ag Tour Group from Malaysia

Hosting a Precision Ag Tour Group from Malaysia

We had a group from a Precision Agricultural Study Tour: New Zealand Series 2019. The group from Malaysia, travelling with Professor Ian Yule from PlantTech got insights into our work with Airborne LiDAR, and the use of drones in the forest industry. Thanks to Susana...

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3D Modelling Forest for Harvesting Productivity Studies

3D Modelling Forest for Harvesting Productivity Studies

An example of structure from motion modelling of a forest just prior to harvest. This is a 3D point cloud generated from drone / UAV camera imagery, which is then used in studying the efficiency and productivity of harvesting operations. It is hard to step back and...

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Thermal Infrared Pest Monitoring and Detection Using Drones

Thermal Infrared Pest Monitoring and Detection Using Drones

Drone / UAV flights at night for monitoring and assisting pest eradication operations at a Wildlife Sanctuary Reserve in Hawkes Bay. This shows the ability of a drone fitted with a high resolution thermal imaging camera, being able to locate, identify and then geo-tag...

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Monitoring Traps Using Drones to Aid Pest Free New Zealand

Monitoring Traps Using Drones to Aid Pest Free New Zealand

Interpine Innovation helping New Zealand Predator Free 2050.   Monitoring of pests for the purposes of controlling or eradicating populations is a key component in management of wildlife sanctuary reserves throughout New Zealand. Interpine Innovation strives to not...

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Industrial Inspection Using Drones at Pulping Facilities

Industrial Inspection Using Drones at Pulping Facilities

Our team have been working across industries with the deployment of drones / UAV's for industrial inspection.   Drones are an effective way of getting visual reports from places where it is difficult to place humans.   A recent example is the assessment of the...

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Graduates of our Drone training succeeding out in the forest

Graduates of our Drone training succeeding out in the forest

Great to see graduates of our fly your own drone for foresters programme using these new effective tools out there in the forest. Acacia Farmery completed our CAA Part 101 drone operators training and earned her “CAA Wings Badge” certification. Acacia Farmery readies...

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Meet the Team at ForestTech 2018

Meet the Team at ForestTech 2018

Interpine will again be along at ForestTech 2018, being held in Rotorua and Melbourne this November.   Come along and hear about our latest advances in Virtual Reality, LiDAR and Drone applications across the forest industry.

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Interpine helping with North American Wildfires in Canada

Interpine helping with North American Wildfires in Canada

Interpine's General Manager, David Herries recently took some time out from overseeing Interpine's Innovative team and deployed into British Columbia, Canada to help with the wildfires over the 2018 summer.   Outside of his role with Interpine, David is also a...

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Tree Seedling Delivery using Drones becomes a Reality

Tree Seedling Delivery using Drones becomes a Reality

#Drone / #UAV #Tree #Seedlings #Delivery for #Forestry #Plantation establishment in steep hill country in #NewZealand. Significant reduction in risk of slip, trip, fall and back strain incidents while increasing productivity through reduced downtime. While pizza...

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UAV / Drone Insights – Gravity Roller Crushing Supervision

UAV / Drone Insights – Gravity Roller Crushing Supervision

An example video of using #RPAS / #Drone / #UAV technology for supervision and safe behavior observations during a gorse conversion project for the establishment plantation #forestry in New Zealand. A single rope gravity #roller #crusher is being used in this case....

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Satellite Imagery of the 2018 Tolaga Bay Floods

Satellite Imagery of the 2018 Tolaga Bay Floods

Interpines' skilled remote sensing team showing the effectiveness of high resolution before and after satellite imagery for the flooding that recently affected Tolaga Bay in the Gisborne region of New Zealand.  High resolution satellite coverage is now almost daily in...

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Effectiveness of Drones Shown During Civil Defense Emergency

Effectiveness of Drones Shown During Civil Defense Emergency

Great to have the effectiveness and professionalism of our #UAV / #Drone team highlighted with direct acknowledgment from the Hon Steve Chadwick, Mayor of Rotorua. Our team recently provided support for the #emergency and #civildefence response to help our local...

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Simulator Training for Machine Operation

Simulator Training for Machine Operation

Great to see the next generation of machine operators training in the world leading #forest #harvesting #simulator suite at Toi-Oho-Mai Instution of Technology Rotorua. Interpine have been donating support to this program as part of our harvesting performance systems...

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Introductory Drone / UAV Training Course: 18-22 June 2018

Introductory Drone / UAV Training Course: 18-22 June 2018

 Interpine is continuing to provide a pathway for the adoption and wider deployment of #DJI #MavicPro #Phantom4 #UAV / #Drones, RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) to be a regular tool being used by our field foresters within our Forest #Industry here in New...

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UAV’s and Harvesting Operations

UAV’s and Harvesting Operations

Our #uav team improving value recovery from #forest #harvestingoperations using Esri #fullmotionvideo technology in field studies with DJI #drones. Showing the industry new ways to do previously difficult and time consuming tasks.

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MobileTECH 2018

MobileTECH 2018

Our GM David Herries gave a practitioners view as a key note speaker this week at the primary sectors #MobileTECH2018 conference in Rotorua, NZ. Reviewing how digital technology impacts on the forestry sector and how the industry is moving forward and making progress...

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STICKS making its way to Canada

STICKS making its way to Canada

Its not (just) about the processor.... Our #STICKS #harvester #woodflow management system now making a splash in #forest harvest in British Columbia #Canada by allowing for better value extraction & woodflow for the forest company, & better productivity...

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UAV for Seedling Counts

UAV for Seedling Counts

Millions of #tree #nursery seedlings counted using our  #Drone / #UAV based #inventory. #remotesensing technology helping to keep an eye on the New Zealand vision of "one billion trees target in the next 10 years"

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UAV Training Course – March 2018

UAV Training Course – March 2018

Our #UAV #Drone team working alongside Massey University School of Aviation has recently completed training and certification of another 12 #foresters from throughout NZ whom are taking drones into their workplace to make forest operations and monitoring more...

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A Visit with the Minister of Forestry

A Visit with the Minister of Forestry

New Zealand Minister of Forestry,Hon Shane Jones recently visited our Remote Sensing and #UAV #Drone team in #Rotorua. Sarah Pitcher-Campbell and Chris Scoggins demonstrated how innovative our industry is in the use of remote sensing technology...

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ForestTech X Conference – Canada

ForestTech X Conference – Canada

Ian Wilson, our Harvesting Performance Services Manager recently presented alongside Austimber Harvesting contractor Ian Reid and Waratah Managing Director Jules Larsen on the benefits of using forest harvester information at the recent tech transfer ForestTechX...

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ForestTechX – Canada 2018

ForestTechX – Canada 2018

Great day in #Vancouver #Canada with our remote sensing team leading a #workshop as part of #ForesttechX conference with rapidlasso. Providing insights into using #Lidar for enhanced #forest #inventory with #LAStoolsand Interpine’s forest yield imputation area based...

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3500 UAV Flights

3500 UAV Flights

Great work to our #UAV team, just over 3500 #flights now completed across New Zealand. Here is a neat view of the all our flight logs over the last couple of years. This is a key component of our CAA 102 certification ensuring all flights are logged and pilots flight...

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Thermal IR Drone Deployment to Chatham Islands Fire

Thermal IR Drone Deployment to Chatham Islands Fire

Great to have our #UAV #drone and remote sensing team making a difference in fire management again this season, conducting thermal IR surveys across some 2500ha of fire ground on the Chatham Islands. Here is some of the feedback from the incident controllers.... “Your...

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LiDAR  Research in New South Wales

LiDAR Research in New South Wales

Our team capturing #LiDAR data using the #Riegl #VUX-1LR over radiata pine #forest in New South Wales forest last week. This is part of our remote sensing programs being conducted both here in New Zealand and Australia, with our research and airborne partners. Watch...

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Drones Used for Dunedin Fire

Drones Used for Dunedin Fire

Our #UAV #drone team again around the country this week working with Fire and Emergency NZ and Lake Okareka Rural Fire Force in Dunedin. Providing updated fire ground maps, thermal hotspot surveys, and training ground crews on use of mapping apps on their smartphones,...

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UAV Team Southland Fire Deployment

UAV Team Southland Fire Deployment

The #UAV #Drone team were recently deployed with Lake Okareka Rural Fire Force to Southland last week, clearing hotspots and providing updated fire maps for the Fire and Emergency NZ firefighters on the ground.                                                       ...

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Drones and Helicopters – shared work

Working alongside Fire and Emergency NZ, the Interpine #UAV team are putting #drones & helicopters to work together during #fire #attack. Combined, fire mapping and #hotspot detection use the smarts of the drone such as full motion video mapping as we have come to...

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LiDAR – seeing the forest for the trees

LiDAR – seeing the forest for the trees

Seeing the #forest for the #trees, explore and #visualize #LiDAR in #3D of your forest and see how the #data provides estimates of forest #yield. Share this link with your teams and help foresters understand the ability of LiDAR to describe the...

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ForestTech 2017 – Drones in the Forestry Sector

ForestTech 2017 – Drones in the Forestry Sector

Great to see safety is a big focus for #uav #drone use in the #forestry sector. #Timberlands Forest Engineer Hazel Swanson talking about practical benefits of drones for forest engineering after the last 6 months putting drones to work in the forest, and the...

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Forest LiDAR – What Are We Looking At

So what are LiDAR point clouds? Our team look at and analyze this type of data to regenerate estimates of forest yield. But not many foresters actually get to look and see the detail behind all the numbers. Want to enjoy the fascination and immerse yourself in a...

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UAV / Drones in Forestry – Reaching for a New Perspection

UAV / Drones in Forestry – Reaching for a New Perspection

​Because of the scale involved in forestry, both time and area, mathematics has always been heavily employed so foresters can take samples and calculate averages or make predictions on the growth or yield of their crop. With the advent of increasingly usable and...

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Using Drones for Pest Management – a possibility

Students at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology have worked with Interpine to look at potential of #UAV / #Drones and remote sensing to help with pest control operations. UAVs flown over forests and remnant bush sites, particularly those not currently receiving any...

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Potential of Using UAV / Drones for Pest Control ?

Potential of Using UAV / Drones for Pest Control ?

​Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and remote image sensing cameras have considerable potential for use in pest control operations. UAVs equipped with remote sensing cameras could be flown over forests and remnant bush sites, particularly those not currently receiving...

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UAV’s Useful in Woodchip Stocktakes

UAV’s Useful in Woodchip Stocktakes

Our UAV team making the #pulp #paper #industry more efficient through more timely #volumetric #stock takes with #Drones / #UAV "Use of UAV’s for quantifying our stock pile volumes has been a great step forward in a timely and more accurate process wood fiber...

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PlotSafe in Virtual Reality

PlotSafe in Virtual Reality

Assessing / cruising plantation pine recoverable volume by logtype (MARVL PlotSafe Assessment) in virtual reality. Yielding the potential of highly dense point cloud data from #UAV based LiDAR, Bruce Hill our senior operations manager trialed tree measurement and...

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Improved Energy Efficiencies through Thermal Imagery

Improved Energy Efficiencies through Thermal Imagery

Great to see example of further application of our teams #Drones / #UAVworking to provide efficiencies in the wood processing sector. Here is a unique aerial perspective at an industrial site survey using #Thermal#Infrared cameras; providing insights for developing...

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ForestTech 2017

ForestTech 2017

Registration is now open for Interpine and rapidlasso 's #ForestTech 2017 #LiDAR in #Forestry workshops in either Rotorua & Melbourne 17 & 23 Nov respectively. Numbers are limited due to venue and computer availability so get in quickly if you are interested....

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Get your Wings – Drone Training Course

Get your Wings – Drone Training Course

Our #UAV / #Drone Team providing another great training course for the #UAV / #Drone training intake for Aug 2017. A group of 11 foresters, including staff from Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology Ministry for Primary Industries, Hancocks Forest Management, Forest...

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3D Printing – New Opportunities for Viewing Data

3D Printing – New Opportunities for Viewing Data

Our Remote Sensing team are constantly immersing ourselves in 3D modelling from our rich #LiDAR datasets. #3Dprinting technology brings this from the screen to the table. Meet our miniature model of White Island Volcano in New Zealand. Getting #LiDAR data adopted is...

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Using Drones / UAV for 3D Modelling Forest Tree Structure

Using Drones / UAV for 3D Modelling Forest Tree Structure

The Interpine #UAV #Drone continue to innovate around the use of structure from motion 3D modelling. In this case we show some examples of modelling tree structure and resulting stem volume / form, which are important in the forest yield modelling calculations. Doing...

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Investigating Tree Structure from 3D Modelling

Investigating Tree Structure from 3D Modelling

The Interpine #UAV #Drone continue to innovate around the use of structure from motion 3D modelling. In this case we show some examples of modelling tree structure and resulting stem volume / form, which are important in the forest yield modelling calculations. Doing...

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Plantation Estate – LiDAR Capture

Plantation Estate – LiDAR Capture

NZ Forestry Sector Collaborates in Capturing 532,000ha of the Plantation Estate with #LiDAR Remote Sensing. Interpine Innovation is currently around 50% through the LiDAR capture of 532,000ha of plantation forest in New Zealand. It’s a collaborative project that...

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Rise of the Forest Drones; HarvestTech 2017 Conference

Rise of the Forest Drones; HarvestTech 2017 Conference

Rise of the #forest #drones; Interpine's UAV team leader spoke recently at the FIEA HarvestTech 2017 conference in Rotorua. With of 450 delegates hearing about operational implementation and future opportunities that will see improvements in the way harvest...

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Forest and Rural Fire Association Annual Conference 2017

Interpine's General Manager and Lake Okareka Rural Fire Force Deputy Station Officer FENZ Rural, David Herries will be providing insights into use #UAV #Drones during 2016/17 #fire season at #FRFANZ (#UFBA) conference 1-4 August 2017 in Auckland. After successfully...

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Adopting UAV Technology into Forestry – HarvestTech2017

Adopting UAV Technology into Forestry – HarvestTech2017

"rise of the #forest #drones" Interpine's UAV team leader spoke recently at the FIEA HarvestTech 2017 conference in Rotorua. With of 450 delegates hearing about operational implementation and future opportunities that will see improvements in the way harvest...

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STICKS at HarvestTech 2017

STICKS at HarvestTech 2017

Benefiting from machine information. Ian Wilson, Interpine's Harvesting Servies Manager recently presented at HarvestTech 2017 in Rotorua. Ian profiled the StanForD information which can provide a wealth of information on machine operating for the harvest contractor....

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Forest Canopy Mapping – what can be achieved

Forest Canopy Mapping – what can be achieved

We often get asked about the extent in which a drone can map a #forest, how large is too large? It often comes down to careful planning and processing to help answer this question, and every scenario can be different. Here is an example of 533ha of forest mapped using...

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A New Way to Distribute Seedlings

A New Way to Distribute Seedlings

Interpine's UAV team preparing for the upcoming radiata pine planting season across our plantations in New Zealand. Targeting to ease the distribution of #forest #seedlings for #planting with our #UAV / #Dronestechnology. Distribution of planting boxes to those that...

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Forestry is always Interesting

Forestry is always Interesting

Everyday at Interpine we reflect on the interesting places our jobs as #foresters take us around the world. Visiting different but similar forests and cultures.

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