by Martin Lusk | Oct 8, 2005 | Company Updates
With cyberspace (“the internet” or “world wide web”) now becoming part of our everyday lives even as foresters, it seems only sensible that we start using the internet to its true potential to help each other on a range of topics. Often we...
by Martin Lusk | Jun 15, 2005 | Forest Inventory, PlotSafe
Silmetra and Interpine Forestry have recently released PLOTSAFE version 1.2. after extensive testing of the beta version in the past 12 months. Over 2500 inventory plots have now been assessed using PLOTSAFE. The developers and the first clients for the product are...
by Martin Lusk | Jun 15, 2005 | Forest Inventory, PlotSafe, YTGEN
Interpine and the CNI regional YTGEN user-group (a collection of inventory professionals and users from CNI forestry companies) have created a new cruising dictionary for PLOTSAFE data capture. The overlapping features component of PLOTSAFE allow us to cruise trees...
by Martin Lusk | May 15, 2005 | Forest Inventory
Interpine have recently been demonstrating the Falcon stand and micro-stand level fixing to a client here in NZ. Interpine have been working with Falcon Informatics on forest inventory projects in the USA over the last 18 months, and have sparked interest in their...
by Martin Lusk | Mar 8, 2004 | Forest Inventory
Once you start looking into what types of handheld computers are available for the forest industry, it is important to understand just what is meant by “RUGGED”. Most of the rugged computer products are rated under an international system which assigns an...
by Martin Lusk | Feb 8, 2004 | DataPlus Mobile
13 February, 2004 Interpine has just introduced a handheld software application designed to electronically measure and record seedling quality for the forest nursery industry. Data pertaining to delivery batch, box, and seedling can be stored on your handheld...
by Martin Lusk | Dec 1, 2003 | Logmaister, Logmaker Auditing, Timbertech, Value Recovery
Article Source : InWood International – Science Report – Issue 54 Page 45 – Dec 2003 (*) The forest industry globally is losing critical value at source – cutting trees into logs. And, ironically, the more mechanised an...
by Martin Lusk | Nov 1, 2003 | Logmaister, Logmaker Auditing, Timbertech, Value Recovery
Kajavala Forestry Ltd (KFL) have been trialing a prototype portable tree optimization and processing system called a ‘Logmaister’ in their logyard in Kawerau. “We’re amazed at how this prototype is performing,” said Managing Director of...
by Martin Lusk | Mar 8, 2003 | Forest Inventory
Extracted from : Field Computing News – Volume 4 Feb 2003, Juniper Systems Inc Over the past 20 years Interpine has found its niche in New Zealand and International forestry through developing innovative tools and techniques to monitor and reduce value loss from...
by Martin Lusk | Mar 7, 2003 | Company Updates, Health and Safety
In recognition of FCF Forest Resources achieving 3 accident-free years, FCF recognise Interpine Forestry’s commitment toward health and safety throughout our services conducted on contract from December 1999 to December 2002.
by Martin Lusk | Jan 7, 2003 | Outside NZ
Craig Penfold, an ex Interpine Forestry staff member has been residing in Vancouver, Canada since May 2002. Since that time he has been working as an independent forestry consultant utilizing many of the techniques and skills that he acquired while working in the...
by Martin Lusk | Aug 8, 2002 | Forest Inventory
NZ Forest Research is continually using new technologies to enable new features in their software programs (for better or worse?). ALTAS Cruiser is the latest software release to the industry (June 2002) and this was no exception to this rule. Many of us will not...
by Martin Lusk | May 8, 2002 | Forest Inventory
New Look Rugged Handheld PC’s for the NZ Forest Industry Interpine Forestry, Rotorua, is receiving plenty of interest from people interested in upgrading there current handheld field computers. Interpine provided a solution with the rugged HP200LX back in the...
by Martin Lusk | Apr 8, 2002 | Forest Inventory
Interpine Forestry, Rotorua, is receiving plenty of interest from people interested in upgrading there current handheld field computers. Interpine has taken the initial step to upgrade our fleet of aging HP200LX data collection computers. As mentioned in article...
by Martin Lusk | Mar 7, 2002 | Forest Inventory, Value Recovery
Published : Forest Logger and Sawmiller, March 02 These days as a forest grower and owner you will often hear quoted comments from forest marketing specialists and stumpage purchasers such as : “we’ll sell your trees for more money” “maximise...
by Martin Lusk | Feb 15, 2002 | Forest Inventory
During the past five years Interpine Forestry Limited has completed pre-harvest inventory trials and project work for several international forestry companies located in Australia, Brazil and the United States. Through its close connection with New Zealand Forest...
by Martin Lusk | Jan 15, 2002 | Forest Inventory
When forestry companies view their standing resource as a separate business unit that must make a profit, or when stumpage (standing trees) must be purchased or sold to maximise profit, it is essential that a flexible and robust pre-harvest inventory system is used....
by Martin Lusk | Jan 15, 2002 | Forest Inventory
Investing is all about risk. One of the widely quoted reasons for investing in forestry is its low risk factor (as opposed to the technology shares for instance). Your low risk 10ha forest investment finally reaches the point where you can cash in, but instead you...
by Martin Lusk | Oct 7, 2001 | Value Recovery
PAPER BY : Donald King, GM, Interpine Forestry Ltd PRESENTED AT : FIEA Introduction A study completed in 1986 (Murphy and Twaddle) concluded that 40% of the value of a forest could be lost in the harvesting process. Interpine Forestry Ltd has been working with several...
by Martin Lusk | Oct 1, 2001 | Logmaker Auditing, Timbertech
PAPER BY : Donald King, GM, Interpine Forestry Ltd PRESENTED AT : FIEA Conference 2001 Introduction A study completed in 1986 (Murphy and Twaddle) concluded that 40% of the value of a forest could be lost in the harvesting process. Interpine Forestry Ltd has been...