by admin | Apr 12, 2024 | Forest Inventory, PlotSafe, Training, YTGEN
A Three-Day Comprehensive Course In the ever-evolving field of forestry, staying ahead means continuously sharpening your skills and knowledge. This May, we’re offering a unique opportunity for forestry professionals to do just that. Our Three-Day Comprehensive...
by admin | May 27, 2022 | Forest Inventory, LiDAR, YTGEN
Our Remote Sensing Consultant, Sam West recently spoke alongside Jan Rombouts from One-Forty-One Plantations at ForestTech 2022 conference in February. Catch up on how Ultra-Dense LiDAR Point Clouds collected using Mobile LiDAR systems like the Emesent Hovermap are...
by admin | Jul 7, 2020 | Forest Inventory, GIS and Mapping, LiDAR, PlotSafe, UAV's / Drones, YTGEN
Interpine starts a new 2-year project working with Forest Wood Products Australia on operational immersive visualisation and measurement of dense point cloud data in forest inventory. This new project extends on work started in 2016, and involves working alongside...
by David Herries | May 9, 2019 | Forest Inventory, GIS and Mapping, LiDAR, PlotSafe, Training, UAV's / Drones, YTGEN
Full Forest Inventory Tree Assessment using Virtual Reality (VR). Data is collected using LiDAR and then field assessment is done within Virtual Reality. Another iteration in the development of field assessment using VR using a point cloud collected from above...
by David Herries | Dec 18, 2018 | Harvesting, Training, UAV's / Drones, Value Recovery, YTGEN
Developing tree breakage models is a key parameter in the modelling of forest yield. To model the height at which a stem breaks during harvesting and before log-making can start, allows for correct allocation of recoverable stem volume in which logs can be made...
by David Herries | Jul 6, 2017 | Cloud Services, Company Updates, Forest Inventory, Harvesting, HarvestNav, STICKS, Valuation, YTGEN
Benefiting from machine information. Ian Wilson, Interpine’s Harvesting Servies Manager recently presented at HarvestTech 2017 in Rotorua. Ian profiled the StanForD information which can provide a wealth of information on machine operating for the harvest...
by David Herries | May 24, 2017 | Company Updates, GIS and Mapping, Harvesting, LiDAR, PlotSafe, UAV's / Drones, Valuation, Value Recovery, YTGEN
Great to again be participating in another #careers #expo, this time in Hawkes Bay promoting the #forest industry with the Hawkes Bay #ForestryGroup (collective of forest companies in the region) and our Interpine team to our next generation of forest scientists,...
by David Herries | Oct 20, 2016 | Forest Inventory, GIS and Mapping, LiDAR, YTGEN
Our team continue to enhance #LiDAR based #forest #yield estimates. Moving from a 25m yield pixel resolution to a 5m dynamic analysis frame, creating higher spatial resolution of forest yield estimates through LiDAR #Imputation. While providing foresters a more...
by David Herries | Jul 20, 2015 | Cloud Services, Forest Inventory, GeoMaster, YTGEN
Interpine has recently worked with the Atlas team to create a new utility for GeoMaster users. This is for bulk loading of assessments and their attributes into GeoMaster via a CSV file. This new feature can be accessed by GeoMaster users from the Utilities menu and...
by admin | Apr 1, 2015 | Forest Inventory, Outside NZ, PlotSafe, Training, YTGEN
Interpine has recently undertaken a project to implement PlotSafe and YTGen within Mexico. The trip offered great interaction with local staff, and proved that good forest inventory measurement practices are internationally recognised principals. Language is often...
by David Herries | Mar 30, 2015 | Forest Inventory, PlotSafe, YTGEN
The modelling of diameter and height relationships during a forest inventory is often undertaken when a subset of tree heights is measured that will then be used to predict the heights of unmeasured trees. One such equation for doing this is the Petterson regression,...
by David Herries | Mar 30, 2015 | Forest Inventory, PlotSafe, YTGEN
PlotSafe is now available for use by Spanish forestry companies and field crews with the release of a Spanish install. To ease the language barrier as the software is adopted in South America, a Spanish version is now available from Silmetra. This replaces all the...
by David Herries | Dec 5, 2014 | Forest Inventory, GIS and Mapping, LiDAR, PlotSafe, YTGEN
David Herries recently presented at ForestTech 2014 an overview of Plot Imputation as a method for development of forest yields using YTGEN. The presentation was designed to introduce and simplify the concepts of k-nearest neighbour and plot imputation while outlining...
by admin | Nov 30, 2014 | Forest Inventory, PlotSafe, YTGEN
Virtual DBH’s are used to process diameters of forks and reductions when processing data from PlotSafe to YTGen. A virtual DBH is a DBH applied to a stem where the stem does not exist at breast height. It represents the over bark diameter that, in combination...
by admin | Nov 30, 2014 | Forest Inventory, YTGEN
What is random numbers and how are these used within YTGen? An example use of random numbers in YTGEN is for the calculation of height at which a stem breaks when felled e.g. the whereabouts of break, random numbers hereby only determinate the randomness of a breakage...
by admin | Jul 29, 2014 | Valuation, YTGEN
This article summaries the main uses of the I300 growth model within YTGen. In summary the 300 Index model is a New Zealand national growth model for Pinus radiata. The Plantation Management Co-operative initiated its development before 2005; later Future Forests...
by admin | Jul 10, 2014 | Harvesting, Valuation, Value Recovery, YTGEN
Woodlot valuation are traditionally based on averages which tend to ignore the effects of variability or risk. Sources or variability in woodlot valuations typically included the following: Log price changes JAS conversions factors m3 / tonne conversion factors Yield...
by admin | Dec 6, 2013 | Forest Inventory, PlotSafe, YTGEN
Tree height prediction and modelling is an important part of the data conversion, below article describes the equations and their difference tree height prediction. The subject of modelling tree heights is described in the following article; Modelling Tree Height in...
by admin | Nov 27, 2013 | PlotSafe, Training, YTGEN
One of the foundations within YTGen is its flexibility when it comes to choosing which log grades to produce. The Cutting Strategy (*.YTS file) options within YTGen offers the user a wide range of options to define different types of log products. These can be...
by admin | Nov 26, 2013 | Forest Inventory, PlotSafe, YTGEN
We often get questions from new users on the use of “shorts” and “longs” sweep assessment in cruising dictionaries such as RAD05, RAD05A and RAD06. It is worth a few moments to understand the history and versatility in assessment sweep in...