by admin | Nov 18, 2013 | Forest Inventory, PlotSafe, Training, YTGEN
When considering a MARVL (Method of Assessing Recoverable Volume by LogType) inventory for pre-harvest or mid rotation style inventory there are 3 common templates using in New Zealand. These being called commonly as RAD05, RAD05-A and RAD06. So what are these? How do...
by admin | Oct 16, 2013 | Forest Inventory, PlotSafe, Training, YTGEN
Interpine maintains access to download a range of template documents and packages to help you get using YTGEN and PlotSafe. This can be downloaded from our website as shown below, and includes: PlotSafe Field Work Manuals and Procedures Datafile Templates for PlotSafe...
by David Herries | Aug 16, 2013 | Forest Health, YTGEN
Some of the well proven software applications such as MicroMarvl, or StandPak developed by NZ Forest Research Institute Ltd (now referred to as Scion Research), are still being used today by the odd user which often has the principles “if it aren’t broke...
by David Herries | Aug 12, 2013 | Forest Inventory, YTGEN
New users often ask, what biometric methods are supported by YTGEN? In the forest industry most people consider these are functions or equations used to model the shape, volume, and inside bark diameter at any point on the stem. These are used in the log-making...
by admin | Feb 4, 2012 | Forest Inventory, YTGEN
History of Stem / Tree Taper Equation Development Taper equations can be used to provide predictions of inside bark diameter at any point along the tree stem and stem volume based on widely recorded tree dimensions. Equations that can accurately predict tree diameter...
by David Herries | Jan 25, 2011 | Forest Inventory, Outside NZ, PlotSafe, YTGEN
2010 saw some interesting projects undertaken both here in New Zealand and overseas. One of these was a trip to China, looking at inventory systems and techniques used for forest sale and purchase transactions in several different provinces. China is a very large...
by admin | Nov 16, 2010 | Forest Inventory, Outside NZ, YTGEN
In late 2009 Interpine carried out an overlapping feature cruising inventory for the first time in South Australia’s Green Triangle region. Working closely with the resource team at ForestrySA Interpine developed and implemented a cruising dictionary for Pinus...
by admin | Nov 10, 2010 | Forest Inventory, PlotSafe, YTGEN
Which trees should be height trees? Tree heights are among the most time consuming and difficult measurements to take in a forest inventory. The measurer must be an adequate distance away from the tree to get an accurate measure of height (angle to tip must be <50...
by admin | Nov 5, 2010 | Outside NZ, PlotSafe, Training, YTGEN
Plotsafe and YTGEN course in Fiji In September 2010 Interpine were contracted to provide the first Plotsafe and YTGEN training course in the Fijian Islands. After some hard-fought arguments, and at times physical confrontations, at the Interpine office, Resource...
by Martin Lusk | Sep 8, 2007 | YTGEN
YTGen (Yield Table Generator) is software for generating yield estimates in a production forestry context. The prediction of yields by log grade often referred to as MARVL* (Method for Assessment of Recoverable Volume by Logtype) and is based on a forest inventory....
by Martin Lusk | Jan 15, 2007 | Forest Inventory, PlotSafe, YTGEN
Many foresters planning pre-harvest inventory in Pinus radiata in New Zealand consider the option of placing secondary basal area tally plots (aka prism plots) in addition to the normal primary plots. This can be valid way of conducting inventory in some...
by Martin Lusk | Dec 15, 2006 | Forest Inventory, PlotSafe, YTGEN
With the release of PLOTSAFE and the RAD05 feature cruising dictionary, the CNI regional YTGEN user group have also released an update to the Forest Inventory Procedures Manual which will help people implement PLOTSAFE and RAD05 with ease. This can be downloaded...
by Martin Lusk | Jun 15, 2005 | Forest Inventory, PlotSafe, YTGEN
Interpine and the CNI regional YTGEN user-group (a collection of inventory professionals and users from CNI forestry companies) have created a new cruising dictionary for PLOTSAFE data capture. The overlapping features component of PLOTSAFE allow us to cruise trees...