by David Herries | May 29, 2017 | Training, UAV's / Drones
Great to be training another set of 10 #Forestry #Supervisors this last week deploying the DJI Australia and New Zealand #MavicPro #Phantom4bringing #UAV / #Drones to be a regular tool being used by our field foresters with our Forest #Industry here in New Zealand....
by David Herries | May 24, 2017 | Company Updates, Training
Great to be at Rotorua and Hawkes Bay #Careers #Expo with a joint stand with Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology School of Forestry, Timberlands, Jensen Logging, Rotorua Forest Haulage, Pan Pac, Rayonier, Forest Management NZ, Eastern Inistitute of Technology &...
by David Herries | Mar 28, 2017 | Training, UAV's / Drones
Interpine #UAV team have spent the last week providing hands on #Drone Training for the @newzealandfireservice #USARteam with a range of DJI multirotors. In partnership with Massey University School of Aviation to certify their CAA RPAS wings certificates, it was...
by David Herries | Oct 22, 2015 | Company Updates, Training
Eleven Year 13 students from Rotorua Boys’ High School recently went on a Competenz Discovery Tour at Interpine Innovation – a forest consulting and data management company working across the forestry industry. “The students were totally engaged and...
by David Herries | May 27, 2015 | Training
Practical hands-on learning from practitioners, does it work and how to adopt it 26 June 2015, Waiariki Institute of Technology School of Forestry, Rotorua A workshop is being held for those interested in adopting the use of harvester information and the control of...
by David Herries | May 15, 2015 | Training
Interpine will be speaking at the upcoming HarvestTech 2015 conference run by FIEA the 24-25th June 2015. We will be reviewing some case studies of improving value recovery & production planning through near real-time data collection from harvester operations....
by admin | Apr 1, 2015 | Forest Inventory, Outside NZ, PlotSafe, Training, YTGEN
Interpine has recently undertaken a project to implement PlotSafe and YTGen within Mexico. The trip offered great interaction with local staff, and proved that good forest inventory measurement practices are internationally recognised principals. Language is often...
by admin | Sep 22, 2014 | Harvesting, Log Scaling, Logmaker Auditing, STICKS, Training, Value Recovery
Interpine’s Log Value Recovery Auditors recently attending a training session hosted by Waratah Forestry Attachments at their Rotorua training centre. The focus was learning more about the TimberRite measuring and control system, while also focusing on the key...
by admin | Nov 27, 2013 | PlotSafe, Training, YTGEN
One of the foundations within YTGen is its flexibility when it comes to choosing which log grades to produce. The Cutting Strategy (*.YTS file) options within YTGen offers the user a wide range of options to define different types of log products. These can be...
by admin | Nov 18, 2013 | Forest Inventory, PlotSafe, Training, YTGEN
When considering a MARVL (Method of Assessing Recoverable Volume by LogType) inventory for pre-harvest or mid rotation style inventory there are 3 common templates using in New Zealand. These being called commonly as RAD05, RAD05-A and RAD06. So what are these? How do...
by admin | Oct 16, 2013 | Forest Inventory, PlotSafe, Training, YTGEN
Interpine maintains access to download a range of template documents and packages to help you get using YTGEN and PlotSafe. This can be downloaded from our website as shown below, and includes: PlotSafe Field Work Manuals and Procedures Datafile Templates for PlotSafe...
by David Herries | Aug 17, 2011 | GIS and Mapping, LiDAR, Training
After successfully completing our first Forestry Orientated LiDAR Analysis course to the final year students at the University of Canterbury in June 2011, Interpine is now offering this to the wider industry. This is an introductory course learning how to manipulate...
by admin | Nov 5, 2010 | Outside NZ, PlotSafe, Training, YTGEN
Plotsafe and YTGEN course in Fiji In September 2010 Interpine were contracted to provide the first Plotsafe and YTGEN training course in the Fijian Islands. After some hard-fought arguments, and at times physical confrontations, at the Interpine office, Resource...