by David Herries | Apr 25, 2018 | Cloud Services, Harvesting, Outside NZ, STICKS
Our Harvesting Performance Services manager Ian Wilson is currently in Finland / Sweden looking at better approaches and opportunities to enhance #forest #machinery #training for existing and new operators entering our industry. Learning through simulation is a key...
by David Herries | Mar 10, 2018 | Forest Inventory, LiDAR, Outside NZ, STICKS
Great day in #Vancouver #Canada with our remote sensing team leading a #workshop as part of #ForesttechX conference with rapidlasso. Providing insights into using #Lidar for enhanced #forest #inventory with #LAStoolsand Interpine’s forest yield imputation area based...
by David Herries | Feb 26, 2018 | LiDAR, Outside NZ
Our team capturing #LiDAR data using the #Riegl #VUX-1LR over radiata pine #forest in New South Wales forest last week. This is part of our remote sensing programs being conducted both here in New Zealand and Australia, with our research and airborne partners. Watch...
by David Herries | Jun 26, 2017 | Forest Inventory, Outside NZ
Everyday at Interpine we reflect on the interesting places our jobs as #foresters take us around the world. Visiting different but similar forests and cultures.
by admin | Jan 27, 2016 | Cloud Services, GIS and Mapping, Harvesting, Outside NZ, STICKS, Value Recovery
Goetz Roth, Interpine’s lead for the implementation of mechanised harvester production data has recently returned from Europe. In Europe Goetz attended 48th FORMEC, one of the biggest international Forest Engineering Conferences in the world. Over 300 attendees...
by Charles Chikono | Sep 21, 2015 | Carbon Inventory, DataPlus Mobile, Forest Inventory, Outside NZ
Interpine’s Roles in the VFMP Interpine was recently invited by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) to attend the open day to commemorate the successful completion of the first 5 years of the Victorian Forest Monitoring Program...
by admin | Apr 1, 2015 | Forest Inventory, Outside NZ, PlotSafe, Training, YTGEN
Interpine has recently undertaken a project to implement PlotSafe and YTGen within Mexico. The trip offered great interaction with local staff, and proved that good forest inventory measurement practices are internationally recognised principals. Language is often...
by Charles Chikono | Mar 2, 2015 | Carbon Inventory, Forest Inventory, Outside NZ
Background Interpine has been working with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP – previously DSE and DEPI) on the Victorian Forest Monitoring Program (VFMP) since 2011. Since then Interpine has been involved with DELWP by providing the...
by Charles Chikono | Jun 19, 2014 | Carbon Inventory, Forest Inventory, Outside NZ
Interpine was contracted by the Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) to establish and re-measure plots across the state of Victoria, Australia, under the Victorian Forest Monitoring Program. This is a long term project which aims to detect change...
by David Herries | Dec 9, 2011 | Forest Inventory, GIS and Mapping, LiDAR, Outside NZ
ForestTech 2011 has held in late 2011 in both Australia and New Zealand. Interpine’s Jonathan Dash and Hamish Marshall presented a discussion on Interpine’s involvement in a range of trial work relating to LiDAR analysis. A quick overview of use and role...
by David Herries | Jan 25, 2011 | Forest Inventory, Outside NZ, PlotSafe, YTGEN
2010 saw some interesting projects undertaken both here in New Zealand and overseas. One of these was a trip to China, looking at inventory systems and techniques used for forest sale and purchase transactions in several different provinces. China is a very large...
by admin | Nov 16, 2010 | Forest Inventory, Outside NZ, YTGEN
In late 2009 Interpine carried out an overlapping feature cruising inventory for the first time in South Australia’s Green Triangle region. Working closely with the resource team at ForestrySA Interpine developed and implemented a cruising dictionary for Pinus...
by admin | Nov 5, 2010 | Outside NZ, PlotSafe, Training, YTGEN
Plotsafe and YTGEN course in Fiji In September 2010 Interpine were contracted to provide the first Plotsafe and YTGEN training course in the Fijian Islands. After some hard-fought arguments, and at times physical confrontations, at the Interpine office, Resource...
by Martin Lusk | Jan 7, 2003 | Outside NZ
Craig Penfold, an ex Interpine Forestry staff member has been residing in Vancouver, Canada since May 2002. Since that time he has been working as an independent forestry consultant utilizing many of the techniques and skills that he acquired while working in the...
by Martin Lusk | Aug 7, 2001 | Outside NZ
Recently Interpine Forestry and another innovative consultancy company VTS (Value Tech Services*) have joined together in a joint venture to position a staff member in the USA. Interpine / VTS* is a joint venture company that shows a history of credibility in the...
by Martin Lusk | Dec 15, 2000 | Forest Inventory, Outside NZ
During November and December 2000, a Unitied States forestry corporate, commissioned Interpine Forestry Limited to undertake an intensive log value recovery and stand optimisation project within the Idaho state. The objective of the project was to demonstrate and...
by David Herries | May 15, 2000 | Forest Inventory, Outside NZ
In May 2000 Sotico Pty Ltd contracted Interpine Forestry to complete a MARVL inventory audit in southwest Western Australia across approximately 3,500 hectares (8,645 acres) of Eucalyptus globulus plantations. Six 2-man cruising teams set a highly efficient standard...
by David Herries | Feb 15, 2000 | Forest Inventory, Outside NZ
Interpine Forestry travelled to Porto Alegre in February 2000 to complete a MARVL Inventory for Boise Cascade Corporation. Ten Interpine inventory teams working under project manager Bruce Hill completed the 6,075 hectare (15,000 acre) project in 27 days....