by David Herries | May 26, 2022 | UAV's / Drones, Wildfire
Learn more about the innovation in drones and there use in wildfires with this great webinar where Interpine is presenting alongside with the DJI Enterprise team on the advancements drones and their place on the modern fire...
by David Herries | Aug 18, 2021 | Uncategorised
Our team are all doing their part and staying home, safe in their bubbles and ensuring we protect NZ from COVID19. You can still call or email as our systems are in the cloud and keep us connected where ever we are. We might be slower than normal replying but keep in...
by David Herries | Jul 26, 2021 | Uncategorised
The benefits of lidar compared to photogrammetry for forestry applications is the capability for the laser to penetrate through the forest canopy, providing 3D detail of the ground profile, and creating a virtual twin of the forest structure. Here is an example of...
by David Herries | Aug 13, 2020 | Forest Inventory
Existing popular methods such as the “plot mirage method” (Schmid-Haas, 1969) for eliminating bias due to boundary overlap suffer some disadvantages in practical use; having to establish a duplicate plot outside the forest edge which might not always be...
by David Herries | May 12, 2020 | Forest Inventory, LiDAR, UAV's / Drones
Emesent Hovermap’s versatility, ease of use and data quality are set to be a game-changer for forestry management. On Thursday the 14 of May we are teaming up with Emesent, to bring you a webinar focused on the applications of Hovermap for forestry resource...
by David Herries | Apr 14, 2020 | Company Updates, Forest Inventory, Log Scaling, Staff, Training
We are in our 3rd week of COVID-19 Level 4 here in New Zealand. As a business we are focused on taking this opportunity to Build a Stronger Team. Our operational staff are focused on Online #Forest #Training using #MicrosoftTeams to connect and work through...
by David Herries | Mar 26, 2020 | Company Updates, Staff
And the Winner of the Interpine Isolation Day 1 Safe Start Selfie ……Caleb Strickland. A Hunting and Fishing voucher is heading his way. In all seriousness, the health and well being of our staff is paramount throughout this extremely difficult and unique...
by David Herries | Mar 23, 2020 | Cloud Services, Company Updates, Staff
During these unique and difficult times, our main priority is supporting our staff and clients while ensuring the safety and well-being of all. With this in mind we continue to offer our same great services, just from home instead of the Interpine office. We are...
by David Herries | Jan 31, 2020 | Forest Inventory, GIS and Mapping, UAV's / Drones
Have You Got Enough Trees in Your Tree Nursery for this Planting Seasons Orders? Interpine continues to fly its drones for forest nursery owners to provide a complete inventory of the seedlings in stock. While traditional approaches have been based on sampling the...
by David Herries | Jan 24, 2020 | Training, UAV's / Drones
New Year, New Skills? Start using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV / Drones / RPAS) across the forestry, environmental, industrial and rural fire sectors. This 5-day Wings Badge course is a partnership between Massey University School of Aviation and Interpine Innovation...
by David Herries | Jan 20, 2020 | Company Updates, Health and Safety, Staff, Training
Health and Safety Award – Worker Recognition Award presented by Timberlands to Adrian Moke (AJ as we all know him), our Forest Inventory Operations Manager. AJ was 1 of only 4 individuals recognised across all contractors within the Timberlands estate during the...
by David Herries | Jan 14, 2020 | Company Updates, Staff, Wildfire
Proud of our team supporting the Australian fire suppression efforts over the last couple months, with Sarah Pitcher-Campbell deployed to assist providing GIS Analyst Support for Incident Management Teams based in NSW, and Patrick de Jong deployed to assist on the...
by David Herries | Jan 14, 2020 | Forest Inventory, GIS and Mapping, LiDAR, UAV's / Drones
For the love of #trees, our teams love of #Environment #Forestry and #LiDAR combine with our recent work to step up virtual #forest #inventory with new scanning systems and analysis techniques. Our team continues to innovate in the assessment of...
by David Herries | Nov 27, 2019 | GIS and Mapping, UAV's / Drones, Uncategorised, Wildfire
Proud of the team picking up the Timberlands Environmental Award Winner for 2019 at the annual contractors meeting recently. This was in recognition of the development of mapping systems to locate wildfire hotspots with the assistance of drones and infrared cameras,...
by David Herries | Nov 22, 2019 | Uncategorised
Our Director, David Herries recently spoke at ForestTech 2019 in both Melbourne and Rotorua. He covered how technology is changing the way Forest Inventory and Tree Assessment is being done. This short clip provides an example of the virtual reality systems which are...
by David Herries | Oct 23, 2019 | GIS and Mapping, LiDAR
Visualising LiDAR 3D Terrain Models in Wood. Thanks to some teamwork with Scion wood lab our team recently provided a client with a LiDAR-derived 3D terrain model carved from laminated wood. This unique way of visualising a landscape doubles the meaning of using...
by David Herries | Aug 15, 2019 | GIS and Mapping, UAV's / Drones
Another look at some of our offices for the day. This time our professional CAA 102 certified #UAV #drone teams completing an aerial survey of a forest area to be replanted over the winter. Providing updated #DTM using #machinelearning for deriving terrain models...
by David Herries | Aug 15, 2019 | GIS and Mapping, Wildfire
Patrick de Jong talking on #Wildfire Incident Management from a Fire and Emergency NZ #GIS analyst perspective around the Nelson fires in Feb 2019, great operational use and learnings of ArcGIS, Avenza Maps and FireMapper #ESRI #nzeuc New Zealand ESRI User Conference...
by David Herries | Aug 6, 2019 | UAV's / Drones
In Sept 2018, Interpine featured in the NZ Logger Magazine, profiling the work being conducted with UAV’s / drones across the forest industry in New Zealand. It’s the way of the future. And it’s here now. Next-generation foresters will grow up...
by David Herries | Jun 13, 2019 | Company Updates
We had a group from a Precision Agricultural Study Tour: New Zealand Series 2019. The group from Malaysia, travelling with Professor Ian Yule from PlantTech got insights into our work with Airborne LiDAR, and the use of drones in the forest industry. Thanks to Susana...