by admin | Sep 22, 2014 | Harvesting, Log Scaling, Logmaker Auditing, STICKS, Training, Value Recovery
Interpine’s Log Value Recovery Auditors recently attending a training session hosted by Waratah Forestry Attachments at their Rotorua training centre. The focus was learning more about the TimberRite measuring and control system, while also focusing on the key...
by admin | Aug 14, 2014 | Harvesting, HarvestNav, LiDAR
The free version of HARVESTNAV is now downloadable and includes a number of new features which have developed from the positive industry feedback and infield testing. It now supports: aerial imagery the use of an external GPS, like a classic Garmin 60, 62S or 64 via...
by David Herries | Jul 29, 2014 | Forest Inventory, Harvesting, Value Recovery
Practitioners Guide to the Methodology Introduction Concerned with improving the recovery of merchantable volume across a harvest cutover, a harvest supervisor or forest owner will often need to quantify how much is left post-harvest. The time and effort spent doing...
by admin | Jul 10, 2014 | Harvesting, Valuation, Value Recovery, YTGEN
Woodlot valuation are traditionally based on averages which tend to ignore the effects of variability or risk. Sources or variability in woodlot valuations typically included the following: Log price changes JAS conversions factors m3 / tonne conversion factors Yield...
by David Herries | Apr 22, 2014 | GIS and Mapping, GPS, Harvesting, HarvestNav
HarvestNav is now available as a free download from the Interpine website. Users can now access the application online which was developed with funding from Future Forest Research Ltd. Version 1 of the application is being made available as a free download to...
by David Herries | Feb 11, 2014 | GIS and Mapping, GPS, Harvesting, HarvestNav, Health and Safety, LiDAR
In conjunction with Future Forest Research, Interpine has been developing a Harvest Navigation System called HarvestNav. Interpine recently presented the HarvestNav system at the Foresttech Conference in Nov 2013. This outlined a series of recent in forest trials of...
by David Herries | Sep 29, 2013 | Forest Inventory, Harvesting, Value Recovery
Over the years many of our clients from forest owners, harvesting crews and forest supervisors have asked about harvest cutover assessment methodology. Many have struggled with the concept of the line intersect sampling procedure, so I thought it might pay to document...
by David Herries | Aug 23, 2013 | Cloud Services, GeoMaster, GIS and Mapping, Harvesting
ATLAS Harvest Manager provides the company with a centralised system for managing all the harvest areas within the estate. It enables the harvest planner to record planned harvest areas years into the future, track the changes in state as the areas are prepared for...
by David Herries | Aug 21, 2013 | Cloud Services, GeoMaster, GIS and Mapping, Harvesting
Harvesting markups is a regular task carried out by most forest managers. This can be: an eyeball assessment sketched on a map, walking the boundary with a GPS, using offset waypoints with a GPS and rangefinder, or using an aerial flyover and photographs. Doing this...
by David Herries | May 2, 2013 | GIS and Mapping, GPS, Harvesting, HarvestNav, Health and Safety, LiDAR
Update: This system is now called HarvestNav (Oct 2013) Interpine has recently released for industry testing an on-board harvesting specific navigation system to improve productivity and safety for machines operating in medium to steep terrain. The focus of this...