ForestTech 2017

ForestTech 2017

Registration is now open for Interpine and rapidlasso ‘s #ForestTech 2017 #LiDAR in #Forestry workshops in either Rotorua & Melbourne 17 & 23 Nov respectively. Numbers are limited due to venue and computer availability so get in quickly if you are...
3D Printing – New Opportunities for Viewing Data

3D Printing – New Opportunities for Viewing Data

Our Remote Sensing team are constantly immersing ourselves in 3D modelling from our rich #LiDAR datasets. #3Dprinting technology brings this from the screen to the table. Meet our miniature model of White Island Volcano in New Zealand. Getting #LiDAR data adopted is...

Understanding NZTM Grid Co-ordinates

If you were ever wondering what those NZTM Co-ordinates (New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 projection grid coordinates) on your GPS actually mean, you are likely not the only one. Many people use these every day without actually knowing much about them. For example...