by David Herries | Apr 11, 2018 | GIS and Mapping, GPS
Our remote sensing team profiling the benefits of 3m resolution daily #CubeSats #satellite #imagery for post storm event analysis for the #NZ #forestry sector. An example of 3m resolution satellite imagery of a flooding event. Pre and post imagery of the event. ...
by David Herries | Apr 3, 2018 | Forest Inventory, GIS and Mapping, GPS, LiDAR, UAV's / Drones
See, measure, and monitor forest wood chip piles as they grown & shrink with Drones / UAV and photogrammetry technology. Remember making a difference with technology is more important than the technology itself. There are many ground breaking technological parts...
by David Herries | Nov 28, 2017 | Forest Inventory, GIS and Mapping, GPS, LiDAR
Seeing the #forest for the #trees, explore and #visualize #LiDAR in #3D of your forest and see how the #data provides estimates of forest #yield. Share this link with your teams and help foresters understand the ability of LiDAR to describe the...
by David Herries | Sep 18, 2017 | GIS and Mapping, GPS, LiDAR
Registration is now open for Interpine and rapidlasso ‘s #ForestTech 2017 #LiDAR in #Forestry workshops in either Rotorua & Melbourne 17 & 23 Nov respectively. Numbers are limited due to venue and computer availability so get in quickly if you are...
by David Herries | Jul 27, 2017 | GPS, LiDAR
Our Remote Sensing team are constantly immersing ourselves in 3D modelling from our rich #LiDAR datasets. #3Dprinting technology brings this from the screen to the table. Meet our miniature model of White Island Volcano in New Zealand. Getting #LiDAR data adopted is...
by David Herries | Jul 4, 2017 | Forest Inventory, GPS, UAV's / Drones
We often get asked about the extent in which a drone can map a #forest, how large is too large? It often comes down to careful planning and processing to help answer this question, and every scenario can be different. Here is an example of 533ha of forest mapped using...
by David Herries | Apr 15, 2017 | GIS and Mapping, GPS, UAV's / Drones
An example of our remote sensing team using the Esri #ArcGIS Full Motion Video addin from #UAV #Drone video collected by our UAV’s. In this case providing the ability to map features direct from the video feed taken by the UAV within ArcGIS desktop. Thus...
by David Herries | Feb 15, 2017 | GIS and Mapping, GPS, UAV's / Drones
Excited to announce Interpine is now part of the #Esri Partner Network. This strengths our support for our clients across our #GIS services.
by David Herries | Nov 16, 2016 | GIS and Mapping, GPS, UAV's / Drones
Interpine are enabling #UAV / #Drones with full motion video mapping capability. Here is an example of marking out #forest harvest boundaries with an eye in the sky, no need to fly to the location to map it, just map with an oblique perspective. Pilots can simply...
by admin | Jan 27, 2016 | Forest Inventory, GIS and Mapping, GPS, Harvesting, LiDAR, UAV's / Drones
After completing trials of different uses of UAVs, Interpine has been validating case studies and is now offering its new services to the forest industry. Figure 1 UAV Solutions Working with our clients, we have set up systems that automate data capture and...
by David Herries | Oct 23, 2015 | GIS and Mapping, GPS, UAV's / Drones
Exploring the potential of Interpine’s unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Paiwakawaka 1 (a.k.a Fantail), a Phantom 3 Advanced UAV. Several industries recognise the benefits of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV a.k.a RPAS* or Drone) technology and are turning to drones...
by admin | Apr 14, 2015 | Cloud Services, GIS and Mapping, GPS, Harvesting, Health and Safety, STICKS, Value Recovery
Together with SATCO LOGGING ATTACHMENTS, Interpine is able through STICKS to track felling progress using GPS in a full tree harvesting system1 without the need for ANY additional software or hardware. As STICKS the Harvest and Woodflow Solution is constantly...
by David Herries | Sep 18, 2014 | GIS and Mapping, GPS, LiDAR
Trees and buildings create “satellite shadows”, limiting the areas where you can reliably collect high-accuracy Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS or better known as use of the GPS (USA) or GLONASS (Russian) satellites) data. Interpine operate high...
by David Herries | Aug 27, 2014 | Cloud Services, GeoMaster, GIS and Mapping, GPS
The Atlas team have recently released the latest version of their GeoMaster Mobile Android app. Interpine’s Forest Management Cloud Service has recently updated to GeoMaster V1.21.0 and ArcMap 10.2.2 which enables the use of GeoMaster Mobile. GeoMaster Mobile...
by David Herries | Apr 22, 2014 | GIS and Mapping, GPS, Harvesting, HarvestNav
HarvestNav is now available as a free download from the Interpine website. Users can now access the application online which was developed with funding from Future Forest Research Ltd. Version 1 of the application is being made available as a free download to...
by David Herries | Feb 11, 2014 | GIS and Mapping, GPS, Harvesting, HarvestNav, Health and Safety, LiDAR
In conjunction with Future Forest Research, Interpine has been developing a Harvest Navigation System called HarvestNav. Interpine recently presented the HarvestNav system at the Foresttech Conference in Nov 2013. This outlined a series of recent in forest trials of...
by admin | Oct 2, 2013 | Cloud Services, GeoMaster, GIS and Mapping, GPS
Sometimes forest events occur over part of a stand instead of the entire stand. Some examples would be: A low pruning event has only been completed over part of a stand because of growth rate differences in the trees, with the remainder scheduled to be pruned next...
by David Herries | Aug 21, 2013 | Cloud Services, GeoMaster, GIS and Mapping, GPS
Recently we were introducing GeoMaster to a new client, and one thing that stood out was making the GIS easy to use for the operational foresters and supervisors. Often as a forester you need or get asked to provide managers, forest owners and yourself with maps, to...
by David Herries | Aug 20, 2013 | Cloud Services, GeoMaster, GIS and Mapping, GPS
One of the regular tasks a forest operations supervisor will need to do is keep an eye on progress of their operations. As well as needing to update progress to assist in planning, this is often critical for contractor or forest manager invoicing and payments on a...
by David Herries | Jul 15, 2013 | GIS and Mapping, GPS
If you were ever wondering what those NZTM Co-ordinates (New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 projection grid coordinates) on your GPS actually mean, you are likely not the only one. Many people use these every day without actually knowing much about them. For example...