by David Herries | Apr 25, 2018 | Cloud Services, Harvesting, Outside NZ, STICKS
Our Harvesting Performance Services manager Ian Wilson is currently in Finland / Sweden looking at better approaches and opportunities to enhance #forest #machinery #training for existing and new operators entering our industry. Learning through simulation is a key...
by David Herries | Apr 19, 2018 | Cloud Services, Harvesting, STICKS, Training
Great to see the next generation of machine operators training in the world leading #forest #harvesting #simulator suite at Toi-Oho-Mai Instution of Technology Rotorua. Interpine have been donating support to this program as part of our harvesting performance systems...
by David Herries | Mar 23, 2018 | Harvesting, STICKS
Its not (just) about the processor…. Our #STICKS #harvester #woodflow management system now making a splash in #forest harvest in British Columbia #Canada by allowing for better value extraction & woodflow for the forest company, & better productivity...
by David Herries | Mar 14, 2018 | Cloud Services, Harvesting, STICKS, Value Recovery
Ian Wilson, our Harvesting Performance Services Manager recently presented alongside Austimber Harvesting contractor Ian Reid and Waratah Managing Director Jules Larsen on the benefits of using forest harvester information at the recent tech transfer ForestTechX...
by David Herries | Mar 10, 2018 | Forest Inventory, LiDAR, Outside NZ, STICKS
Great day in #Vancouver #Canada with our remote sensing team leading a #workshop as part of #ForesttechX conference with rapidlasso. Providing insights into using #Lidar for enhanced #forest #inventory with #LAStoolsand Interpine’s forest yield imputation area based...
by David Herries | Jul 6, 2017 | Cloud Services, Company Updates, Forest Inventory, Harvesting, HarvestNav, STICKS, Valuation, YTGEN
Benefiting from machine information. Ian Wilson, Interpine’s Harvesting Servies Manager recently presented at HarvestTech 2017 in Rotorua. Ian profiled the StanForD information which can provide a wealth of information on machine operating for the harvest...
by David Herries | Jun 23, 2017 | Harvesting, STICKS, Value Recovery
#Forest #harvester system management through Interpine’s ForestPHD #STICKS Cloud Service. We are hosting an industry user workshop today at @ToiOhomai Forestry School in Rotorua. With some 20 million m3 of wood supply in STICKS over the last couple of years,...
by David Herries | Jun 22, 2017 | Cloud Services, Harvesting, Health and Safety, STICKS, UAV's / Drones
Interpine #UAV / #Drone and Harvesting Performance Systems team part of the field day showing recent advances in the harvesting technology being used and deployed into our #forest industry in New Zealand. This is coverage from #TVNZ One News reviewing the technology...
by David Herries | Apr 25, 2017 | Harvesting, STICKS, Value Recovery
Are you interested in Forest Value Recovery from your own forest or those that you are harvesting or managing. Ask for a demo of our cloud platform #STICKS, and Plan, Harvest and Deliver based on production data from your harvesters in the forest. This collates tree...
by admin | Jan 27, 2016 | Cloud Services, GIS and Mapping, Harvesting, Outside NZ, STICKS, Value Recovery
Goetz Roth, Interpine’s lead for the implementation of mechanised harvester production data has recently returned from Europe. In Europe Goetz attended 48th FORMEC, one of the biggest international Forest Engineering Conferences in the world. Over 300 attendees...
by David Herries | Sep 10, 2015 | Cloud Services, Harvesting, Logmaister, STICKS, Value Recovery
In 2009, a staff member in a large forest management company in the North Island, New Zealand expressed concern over the reduction in piece size of the stems they were processing in to logs. This company used a log merchandising system that captured the piece size of...
by David Herries | Aug 28, 2015 | Harvesting, Log Defect Measurement, Logmaker Auditing, STICKS, Value Recovery
Designing cutting instructions for harvesters is still something many forest owners and managers in New Zealand and Australia are still learning. Part of this learning is the use of Simulators from the harvester machine manufacturers. By using a simulator to help in...
by David Herries | Jul 7, 2015 | Harvesting, STICKS
SilviA 7 is a newly developed version of the original program SilviA2007 (last version produced in 2007 and was Windows XP dependent). Primarily SilviA 7 is used to create new cutting instructions (bucking rules for product pricelists) for distribution to mechanised...
by David Herries | Jun 30, 2015 | Cloud Services, GIS and Mapping, Harvesting, STICKS, Value Recovery
Recently at HarvestTech 2015, David Herries and Jeremy Gibson spoke on utilising harvester information to improve value recovery and production planning workflows using a recently released Cloud Service called STICKS. STICKS developed by ForestPHD and Interpine...
by David Herries | Jun 30, 2015 | Cloud Services, GIS and Mapping, Harvesting, Log Scaling, STICKS, Value Recovery
Interpine recently hosted a workshop on harvester data management at Waiairki Institute of Technology (WIT). 36 attended from forest companies, consultants, contractor entities, machine manufacturers (SATCO, Woodsman, SouthStar and LogMax) and academia from University...
by admin | Apr 14, 2015 | Cloud Services, GIS and Mapping, GPS, Harvesting, Health and Safety, STICKS, Value Recovery
Together with SATCO LOGGING ATTACHMENTS, Interpine is able through STICKS to track felling progress using GPS in a full tree harvesting system1 without the need for ANY additional software or hardware. As STICKS the Harvest and Woodflow Solution is constantly...
by admin | Nov 30, 2014 | Cloud Services, GIS and Mapping, Harvesting, HarvestNav, STICKS, Value Recovery
Interpine Launches STICKS! In co-operation with an Australian based company ForestPHD, Interpine has developed a new cloud based product that improves decision making along the forest supply chain and helps interrogate data collected from mechanized CTL...
by admin | Sep 22, 2014 | Harvesting, Log Scaling, Logmaker Auditing, STICKS, Training, Value Recovery
Interpine’s Log Value Recovery Auditors recently attending a training session hosted by Waratah Forestry Attachments at their Rotorua training centre. The focus was learning more about the TimberRite measuring and control system, while also focusing on the key...