by admin | Oct 2, 2013 | Cloud Services, GeoMaster, GIS and Mapping, GPS
Sometimes forest events occur over part of a stand instead of the entire stand. Some examples would be: A low pruning event has only been completed over part of a stand because of growth rate differences in the trees, with the remainder scheduled to be pruned next...
by David Herries | Aug 23, 2013 | Cloud Services, GeoMaster, GIS and Mapping, Harvesting
ATLAS Harvest Manager provides the company with a centralised system for managing all the harvest areas within the estate. It enables the harvest planner to record planned harvest areas years into the future, track the changes in state as the areas are prepared for...
by David Herries | Aug 21, 2013 | Cloud Services, GeoMaster, GIS and Mapping, GPS
Recently we were introducing GeoMaster to a new client, and one thing that stood out was making the GIS easy to use for the operational foresters and supervisors. Often as a forester you need or get asked to provide managers, forest owners and yourself with maps, to...
by David Herries | Aug 21, 2013 | Cloud Services, GeoMaster, GIS and Mapping, Harvesting
Harvesting markups is a regular task carried out by most forest managers. This can be: an eyeball assessment sketched on a map, walking the boundary with a GPS, using offset waypoints with a GPS and rangefinder, or using an aerial flyover and photographs. Doing this...
by David Herries | Aug 20, 2013 | Cloud Services, GeoMaster, GIS and Mapping, GPS
One of the regular tasks a forest operations supervisor will need to do is keep an eye on progress of their operations. As well as needing to update progress to assist in planning, this is often critical for contractor or forest manager invoicing and payments on a...
by David Herries | Aug 5, 2013 | Cloud Services, GeoMaster, GIS and Mapping
Several of our Forest Management Cloud Services clients have been asking for easier ways to manage and keep information on forestry cutting rights prior to landowners or the next forest manager receiving back the land for the next rotation. Common examples are when a...
by David Herries | Aug 5, 2013 | Cloud Services, GeoMaster, PSLog
PSLog is now available in the Cloud (provided online by way of Cloud Computing SaaS). PSLog has proven itself over the years as an easy to use, reliable and cost effective harvesting and logistics software system. It provides management information that facilitates...
by David Herries | Jul 31, 2013 | Cloud Services, GeoMaster, GIS and Mapping
A forest manager or forest owner is often confronted with needing to manage risks found across their estate. It is important their staff when planning operations are aware of these risks. The Risk Manager within GeoMaster enables details about GIS based risk features...
by David Herries | Jul 25, 2013 | Cloud Services, GeoMaster, GIS and Mapping
Interpine’s Forest Management Cloud Service also includes Microsoft’s Office 365. When managing forests, you have a wide range of documents and information. This can range from GIS to EXCEL, WORD, PDF’s, Photos and more. You need somewhere to store...
by admin | Jul 11, 2013 | Cloud Services, Forest Inventory, GeoMaster, GIS and Mapping, GPS
Forest Managers need to sample their forest for a range of operations from quality control to resource assessment. This often involves putting in a sample plot network, creating a map for use in field and loading these points into a GPS for use to navigate in the...