
universal data collection software

DataPlus - a data collection tool

DataPlus® is an application generator and host that allows for fast customized data collection for Android and Windows based mobile computers.



DataPlus enables you to create and manage applications that replicate clipboard data sheets. Additionally, it offers advanced users the capability to develop custom user programs.


DataPlus is compatible with both Windows and Android mobile devices. The application operates seamlessly across both platforms without requiring user modifications, providing a unified interface for all your data collection needs.


System Requirements

IBM Compatible PC: Windows 95, NT4.0, 98, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 with SVGA Graphics, 8M RAM & 4M hard drive space (*Vista, Win7, Win8 require a 3rd party DOS software installed to allow testing of applications in DOS and the OS).

WinCE Portable Computer: HPC or Pocket PC Type with WinCE 3.x or higher, Strong-Arm, XScale or x86 Processor (including Windows Mobile 5, 6 and 6.5

Android: Optimised for Juniper Allegro 3 and Archer 4.


More Functions
  • You design and test the application on your desktop PC then transfer it to your hand held.
  • The software consists of familiar user-friendly set up screens.
  • Accommodates a combination of keyboard and external device input, custom screen layouts, data error checks and data entry types.
More Features
  • .Depending upon memory, up to 255 applications may reside on portable, computer at one time.
  • Multiple data levels – up to four data levels with up to nine branches for each level, 250 columns
  • Remap keys to suit different devices.
  • Write “C” like programs for custom calculations, data manipulation and report printing
  • User defined data entry types, constant data displays, error checks, flow controls, and data formats.
  • Robust data conversion features to either XBASE DBF or ASCII formats.
  • External device input can be accommodated for any RS232C (including Bluetooth), linking most electronic devices like eg GPS receivers – smart barcode wands and scanners – digital calipers – electronic balances and scales – RF tag receivers – laser rangefinders – water quality multi probes.
  • Mobile device functions that include four different levels of touch screen support to suit devices from full keyboard to touch screen input only.
  • Detailed User Manual included.

Out in Industry

The Return of the Juniper Allegro: Enhancing Field Data Collection with Interpine

We welcome the return of the Juniper Allegro, enhancing field data collection with Interpine and the next generation of hardware from Juniper Systems Inc. Interpine is proud to offer a comprehensive range of software tools tailored for the forestry and environmental...

Interpine Welcomes the Juniper Archer 4: A New Era in Field Data Collection

This month, Juniper Systems has made an exciting announcement that’s set to revolutionize field data collection – the launch of the Juniper Archer 4. As the newest member of the esteemed Archer/Allegro family, the Archer 4 Rugged Handheld is designed with the demands...

Rugged Electronic Field Data Collection Coming to the DOC Vegetation Monitoring Teams

Our team are proud to be shipping out electronic data capture field kits today for Department of Conservation (DOC) vegetation monitoring teams. Featuring the latest in rugged handheld and tablet field computers, together with software and backend systems developed...

Managed Service for Infield Electronic Data Capture of Vegetation Data Collected by DOC

We are excited to be working with the Department of Conservation (DOC) on the development of a Managed Service for infield electronic data capture of vegetation data collected by DOC for the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) Land Use Carbon Analysis System (LUCAS)...

Interpine Plays Key Role in Making the Victorian Forest Monitoring Program Reach 5 Year Milestone

Interpine's Roles in the VFMP Interpine was recently invited by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) to attend the open day to commemorate the successful completion of the first 5 years of the Victorian Forest Monitoring Program (VFMP)....

Manage Your Devices and Data in Real-Time Using Interpine Cloud Service

Interpine has recently made available its device management system for use by our cloud services clients. This allows them to link rugged handhelds computers, tablets and smartphone to our cloud services. These devices can be operating iOS, Android, Windows, Windows...

Interpine Achieves 100% Quality Rating for LUCAS Post-89 Forest Survey

Interpine has completed ahead of time, the Nationwide Forest Carbon Inventory for Re-measurement of Post 1989 Forests completed over the winters of 2011,2012. A total of 202 and 193 plots were established or re-measured across the country in 2011 and 2012...

Pre-version 3 App” compiling Warning Message

Posted - 26/09/2007 :  09:56:06   Hi, when I open a dataplus application I get the error "One or more DPC programs are pre-version 3. These programs should be recompiled with the latest version of DPCEdit in order to avoid potential problems on the hand-held" But...

Using DOS BOX in Windows Vista to Test Apps Update: 07/09/2007

Some users have upgraded to Windows Vista and will want to still continue develop and test DataPlus Applications. You will have no problems developing the applications, but using the inbuilt TESTING tools will cause you to arrive at an error message (i.e. using the...

Always Fullscreen DOS View When Testing APPS

Posted - 19/01/2007 :  09:24:08   When testing your DP programs in windows, is there a way to make the dos screen a window as apposed to fullscreen? I have modified the properties of the dos window to open as a window but it never listens and always opens full...
Customer Feedback

Custmer Feedback

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it a possible to build a DataPlus application to log GPS points, say at 10 second intervals as well as have the ability to bring in other serial data from another com port at the same time?
Without testing this, it would seem possible. Dataplus can be run unattended to collect information. Note that this information is just the GPS points from the NMEA string and will not be able to be post-processed.

There are four types of serial input. Standard Input, Streaming Input, Auto Polled Input, and Manual Polled Input.

Using a combination of these depending on the devices together with the line feed should enable the feature you are after.

Line Wrap
Line Wrap

Mike from Elecdata might have further suggestions.

What camera sensors are available on our UAV's?
We operate a range of normal RGB resolution cameras, as well as a thermal sensor and multispectral NIR.

If we didn't answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime.