Valuing Your Woodlot With MARVL

Investing is all about risk. One of the widely quoted reasons for investing in forestry is its low risk factor (as opposed to the technology shares for instance). Your low risk 10ha forest investment finally reaches the point where you can cash in, but instead you...

MARVL Inventory in Idaho, USA

During November and December 2000, a Unitied States forestry corporate, commissioned Interpine Forestry Limited to undertake an intensive log value recovery and stand optimisation project within the Idaho state.    The objective of the project was to demonstrate and...

MARVL in South American Eucalyptus

Interpine Forestry travelled to Porto Alegre in February 2000 to complete a MARVL Inventory for Boise Cascade Corporation.     Ten Interpine inventory teams working under project manager Bruce Hill completed the 6,075 hectare (15,000 acre) project in 27 days....