After an upgrade of GeoMaster and/or ArcGIS without our cloud services remote desktop, users may need to reconnect and setup their ESRI ArcGIS Desktop environment again (dependent on if this is a major or minor update).   This means you will need to activate any extensions (especially the GeoMaster extension), and turn on toolbars and customise the look and location of all these toolbars.   Note you might also notice your “recent projects” is also clear so you will need to navigate to select your *basemap*.mxd file, if it has been a major version update of ArcGIS.

The following steps will act as tips for undertaking these tasks if needed.


Re-setup ArcGIS after a Major Upgrade to Link to GeoMaster

  1. Enable ATLAS GeoMaster Extension: Open your *.mxd as per normal and on the ArcMap top toolbar Select Customize > Extensions and click the box next to ATLAS GeoMaster then close.
    RDS GeoMaster ArcGIS Extension Enable
  2. Display ATLAS GeoMaster toolbars: Now you need to display the ATLAS Toolbar. Select Customize > Toolbars and select ATLAS.  This will display the ATLAS toolbar and you are ready to connect to GeoMaster like normal.

Relocate Your BaseMap for ArcGIS (*.mxd file)

If you’re anything like the rest of us, you mostly just select from the recently opened files list when ArcGIS opens.   If that’s the case then after an ArcGIS update this will be empty and you’ll be wondering where to go and get your base map.   If so follow these quick steps.

  1. Open ArcGIS
  2. From the Getting Started dialog box select Browse for more…
  3. Pull down the Look in: selection box. For most of users, your base .mxds will be found in: S:\GeoMasterSaaS.   You will normally be after BaseMap.mxd unless you have renamed your mxd.
    • Note that some clients have multiple clients within a single user account, or multiple regions and or countries access rights so at this point you might have additional folder structure to navigate to your regional basemap e.g. S:\#RegionName#\GeoMasterSaaS\ or
    • Some advanced users also move this after the deployment setup, and so if you still struggle finding it just search for *.mxd across your G:\ Drive.

General Tips on Your Custom Settings for ArcGIS

  1. Repin ArcGIS to the taskbar:  The first thing you might notice is that if you had ArcGIS pinned to your taskbar, this is no longer there.   Just right-click the icon on the desktop again and select to Pin to Taskbar.
  2. Reactivate and locate you common toolbars: Everyone will have there own way of displaying and locating various toolbars in ArcGIS, but here is a basic layout suggestion for those not that familiar with ArcGIS.  This includes most tools users will need and is at least a good start point.