Congratulations / Ngā mihi to our CEO, Te Kapunga (T.K) Dewes of Ngati Porou, Te Arawa and Te Whakatohea for being named the New Zealand Forester of the Year for 2023. The highly sought-after recognition, the New Zealand Forester of the Year award, celebrates individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the forestry sector throughout the previous year. T.K was presented with a unique carving, crafted by Lyonel Grant. T.K has been actively involved in the growth and promotion of Maori forestry, ensuring the preservation of Maori land rights and fostering optimal land usage. During the award presentation, President James Treadwell praised the T.K, stating, “He has been an instrumental figure, navigating complex challenges and balancing divergent needs to improve the situation for all New Zealand foresters, not solely Maori foresters.” Miharo!
New Zealand Forester of the Year for 2023, Interpine CEO Te Kapunga (T.K) Dewes
by admin | Jul 11, 2023 | Company Updates, Staff | 0 comments