In October 2003 Interpine implemented a wood quality project for a major U.S. forestry corporate in an effort to help them achieve the following objectives:

  • Determine the existence of a relationship between acoustic log measurement technology (Director HM200) and veneer stiffness.
  • Quantify the relationship (or lack thereof) of log age to veneer quality, as measured by veneer stiffness or Modulus of Elasticity (E).
  • Project a descriptive 10-year forecast for veneer G-rating output across the fee estate.
  • Provide a framework for integrating acoustic log testing technology into existing harvesting operations via practical and efficient means.

This wood quality project successfully determined the existence of a strong correlation and relationship between the Director HM200 acoustic measures and Metriguard veneer stiffness readings; higher veneer stiffness was correlated with a higher Director HM200 acoustic speed.    Interpine’s findings were congruent with the bulk of the research conducted in New Zealand by Carter Holt Harvey Fibre Gen ( In addition, Interpine successfully helped forecast the projected finished wood products yield, over a ten year period, from the standing forest resource.

All of the primary project objectives were achieved, whereby the usefulness of acoustic log testing was demonstrated as a key decision support tool amid the fibre supply and procurement chain. Overall, the project was a success in that all of the objectives were addressed and results conclusive.

To date, Interpine continues to administer and analyze wood quality testing via acoustic technology on NZ log supplies. In fact Interpine collects, stores, analyzes, and prepares more acoustic data on log supplies than any other independent company in NZ. Clearly acoustic technology is emerging as a fundamental means of evaluating wood quality; forestry corporations around the world are embracing its use as an assessment, value recovery, and supply segregation tool. For information on acoustic log sampling, or trial implementation, contact Interpine to learn about the potential it may bring to your resource.



According to one company official…”Interpine’s professionalism and work ethic are first rate! ”