Health and Safety Award – Worker Recognition Award presented by Timberlands to Adrian Moke (AJ as we all know him), our Forest Inventory Operations Manager. AJ was 1 of only 4 individuals recognised across all contractors within the Timberlands estate during the Health and Safety 2020 Startup Breakfast in Rotorua earlier this month. AJ has implemented a range of safety initiatives across our teams, including the deployment of Esri Mobile Apps, dashboards, better communications using Office365 Microsoft Teams, and a focus on driver safety through SmartrakGPS systems. Great to be recognised as having passionate and innovate staff that care about ensuring everyone comes home safe every day. Thanks to Timberlands for the award and congrats to the other contractors recognised.
Timberlands NZ Health and Safety Award – Worker Recognition 2020
by David Herries | Jan 20, 2020 | Company Updates, Health and Safety, Staff, Training | 0 comments