Unlock the potential of aerial imagery with our advanced detection service.

Traditional woody debris detection is costly, time-consuming, and dependent on expensive aerial surveys. With our cutting-edge AI detection service and freely available 10cm imagery, we offer a smarter, faster, and more affordable solution to detecting woody debris in your area.   Whether it be an entire forest, river catchment, coastline or regional wide monitoring survey, AI will do the hard work for you. 

How it works: 

We simplify woody debris detection by analyzing freely available imagery with our advanced AI algorithms. Here’s how it works: 

  1. Access imagery from LINZ data service: Use publicly available, high-resolution (10cm) imagery that covers wide areas, or you can collect your own.  An example of these public datasets recently collected are the full Gisborne region or Hawkes Bay coastline.
  2. Let Us Process It: Our state-of-the-art AI algorithm detects woody debris accurately.
  3. Receive Actionable Results: Get timely and accurate information on the location of woody debris in your forest or catchments. This can be used to direct clean-up, mitigation or long-term monitoring efforts. 

The Benefits at a glance 

Cost-Effective: Use freely available public data, avoiding the need for your own aerial surveys in the first instance.  Or optionally collect your own data.

Accurate, Reliable, Repeatable: Detect woody debris even in complex environments, including cutover, young forest, river or coastal environments. 

Fast Turnaround: Get results quickly for timely decision-making. 

Example before woody debris detection

Example after woody debris detection

Get started today!

Unlock the potential of aerial imagery with our advanced AI detection service. 

Contact us now to learn more!