Craig Penfold, an ex Interpine Forestry staff member has been residing in Vancouver, Canada since May 2002. Since that time he has been working as an independent forestry consultant utilizing many of the techniques and skills that he acquired while working in the local New Zealand industry.

After arriving in the forestry dominant province of British Columbia and realizing that job opportunities within the struggling local forest industry were few and far between, Craig was able to secure project work as an independent consultant. With a New Zealand background that focused on log value recovery and optimal supply chain planning, Craig was able to get the attention of local management staff and apply certain systems and ideas that were new to the B.C industry.


In a local industry that predominantly cuts-to-market (as apposed to N.Z which cuts-to-order) many of the systems previously implemented and trailed in N.Z can be successfully applied and adapted to the Coastal B.C industry. Craig is currently undertaking project work for TimberWest Forest Corporation who used to be previously owned by FCF Canada.

While in Canada, Interpine has been supporting Craig by providing him with the tools and services that we offer our clients in New Zealand, to assist his project work.    Craig can be contacted at
