Interpine’s Roles in the VFMP

Interpine was recently invited by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) to attend the open day to commemorate the successful completion of the first 5 years of the Victorian Forest Monitoring Program (VFMP). Interpine has been involved in the programme in different roles since 2011.


Figure 1: Group shot of the VFMP Workshop held on the 16th Sept 2015.   Charles Chikono, David Herries and Dylan Olser attended from the Interpine Team (visible wearing orange Hi-VIS!).

Interpine was one of two contractors acknowledged to have played a key role in the successful establishment of the ground plots over the past 5 years across Victoria. Interpine takes pride in having provided additional services over and above the ground plot measurements which was acknowledged by DELWP to have contributed to the overall success of the program; including:

  • Reviewing and improving the of field workflow and field data capture procedures for all ground plot contractors involved.
  • Development of electronic data capture (DataPlus) and moving the ground plot measurements away from paper forms.
  • Development and hosting of the VFMP database with the associated online access and reporting tools.
  • Reviewing and updating the standard operating procedures.
 Facts and Figures
  • The VFMP comprises of a network of 786 candidate sample points across Victoria.
  • 629 Sample points had been established by 30 June 2015.
  • Of this number Interpine established 316 sample points (50% of the plot network).
  • Interpine successfully developed and deployed the VFMP data capture software to all contractors in 2013.
  • Interpine developed and continue to manage and support the VFMP database.
  • Interpine continues to work on the program starting the re-measure of the ground plots as part of the next 5 year program.
 If you would like to know more about this work program feel free to contact our team.