Interpine recently hosted Dr Martin Isenburg, director of RapidLasso, and the creator of LAStools and PulseWaves. Martin worked alongside our LiDAR for a week and attended ForestTech 2014. During this time Interpine also ran an introductory course in LiDAR use focused on the forestry industry, which was well attended by 20 people from throughout New Zealand. The course lead by Susana Gonzalez and Sarah Pitcher-Campbell was a great way to start interacting with LiDAR and understanding it’s potential. Martin had also released the pit-free canopy height model algorithm, and it was a chance for all those attending to get a hands-on introduction to using LAStools from the creator.


Figure 1 – Group shot in the beautiful forestry building of the Waiariki Institute of Technology after the LiDAR course following the ForestTECH 2014 conference in Rotorua, New Zealand.

Some Course Feedback:

“Really great course. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Sarah and Susana were very knowledgeable, friendly and helpful. It was great to get some hands on experience to help de-mystify the whole LiDAR thing. Usually you see experts presenting very complex PowerPoint presentations at conferences that for the most part goes over your head because you just don’t understand it”

“I enjoyed the course content and the interaction with other people attending. The instructors were very helpful and I found Martin Isenburg’s contribution great”