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Latest ETS Updates and Articles
Carbon Soil Sampling Survey of LUCAS Post 1989 Forest
Recently Interpine completed a soil carbon survey for the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) as part of New Zealand's carbon monitoring system, known as the LUCAS programme. This involved sampling throughout planted forest sites across Northland, Bay of Plenty,...
Interpine Assists with DEPI Victorian Forest Monitoring Program
Interpine have been working with the Department of Primary Industries and the Environment (DEPI) since early 2011. Interpine's focus to date has been on the Forest Monitoring Data Management and Reporting Information System. This is a customized relational database...
Exit the ETS – Wiping your Harvest Liability and Keeping your NZUs
Currently the price of international Kyoto units (called ERUs) are worth substantially less than NZUs, with ERUs priced at $0.34 compared to NZUs at $4 (pricing as at 17/10/2013). Under current ETS rules these ERUs are acceptable replacement units for forest owners...
ETS – Pre90 Forest Land Owner Update – Aug 2013
A quick update for land owners of Pre-90 forest, as it relates to the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme. By now you have received the second and final tranche of NZUs for your Pre 1990 allocation. These units have been transferred into your holding account from the Crown....
ETS – Post89 Registered Forest Owner Update – Aug 2013
A quick update for forest owners of registered post-89 forest, as it relates to the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme. Post 1989 Mandatory Return Entitlement By now you would have received your carbon credit entitlement for the 2008-2012 period (five years) claimed under...
ETS Support within GeoMaster
GeoMaster provides support for the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) by recording how much of your forest overlaps areas registered as Post 1989 carbon accounting areas (CAAs) and areas classified as Pre 1990 forest land. The ETS support works within...