by David Herries | Sep 28, 2017 | UAV's / Drones
Great to see example of further application of our teams #Drones / #UAVworking to provide efficiencies in the wood processing sector. Here is a unique aerial perspective at an industrial site survey using #Thermal#Infrared cameras; providing insights for developing...
by David Herries | Sep 18, 2017 | GIS and Mapping, GPS, LiDAR
Registration is now open for Interpine and rapidlasso ‘s #ForestTech 2017 #LiDAR in #Forestry workshops in either Rotorua & Melbourne 17 & 23 Nov respectively. Numbers are limited due to venue and computer availability so get in quickly if you are...
by David Herries | Sep 17, 2017 | Forest Inventory, GeoMaster, GIS and Mapping, Harvesting, UAV's / Drones
Using #DJI #UAV #Drones as a measurement tool using the #ESRI #ArcGISfull motion video capabilities bring new functionality to the way we can use this technology in the forest for mapping, trials and monitoring forest activity, review the following video to see how...
by David Herries | Aug 22, 2017 | Training, UAV's / Drones
Our #UAV / #Drone Team providing another great training course for the #UAV / #Drone training intake for Aug 2017. A group of 11 foresters, including staff from Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology Ministry for Primary Industries, Hancocks Forest Management, Forest...
by David Herries | Jul 31, 2017 | GIS and Mapping, LiDAR, UAV's / Drones
Our Remote Sensing team are constantly immersing ourselves in 3D modelling from our rich #LiDAR datasets. #3Dprintingtechnology brings this from the screen to the table. Meet our miniature model of White Island Volcano in New Zealand. Getting #LiDAR data adopted is...
by David Herries | Jul 27, 2017 | GPS, LiDAR
Our Remote Sensing team are constantly immersing ourselves in 3D modelling from our rich #LiDAR datasets. #3Dprinting technology brings this from the screen to the table. Meet our miniature model of White Island Volcano in New Zealand. Getting #LiDAR data adopted is...
by David Herries | Jul 18, 2017 | Forest Inventory, GIS and Mapping, Harvesting, Log Scaling, UAV's / Drones, Value Recovery
The Interpine #UAV #Drone continue to innovate around the use of structure from motion 3D modelling. In this case we show some examples of modelling tree structure and resulting stem volume / form, which are important in the forest yield modelling calculations. Doing...
by David Herries | Jul 18, 2017 | Forest Inventory, Harvesting, LiDAR, Log Measurement, UAV's / Drones, Valuation
The Interpine #UAV #Drone continue to innovate around the use of structure from motion 3D modelling. In this case we show some examples of modelling tree structure and resulting stem volume / form, which are important in the forest yield modelling calculations. Doing...
by David Herries | Jul 13, 2017 | LiDAR
NZ Forestry Sector Collaborates in Capturing 532,000ha of the Plantation Estate with #LiDAR Remote Sensing. Interpine Innovation is currently around 50% through the LiDAR capture of 532,000ha of plantation forest in New Zealand. It’s a collaborative project that...
by David Herries | Jul 13, 2017 | Forest Inventory, GIS and Mapping, LiDAR
Interpine Innovation is currently around 50% through the LiDAR capture of 532,000ha of plantation forest in New Zealand. It’s a collaborative project that brings together forest owners, which affords efficiencies in both LiDAR capture and processing. LiDAR which...
by David Herries | Jul 13, 2017 | GIS and Mapping, UAV's / Drones
Interpine’s General Manager and Lake Okareka Rural Fire Force Deputy Station Officer FENZ Rural, David Herries will be providing insights into use #UAV #Drones during 2016/17 #fire season at #FRFANZ (#UFBA) conference 1-4 August 2017 in Auckland. After...
by David Herries | Jul 13, 2017 | Harvesting, Health and Safety, Training, UAV's / Drones
Rise of the #forest #drones; Interpine’s UAV team leader spoke recently at the FIEA HarvestTech 2017 conference in Rotorua. With of 450 delegates hearing about operational implementation and future opportunities that will see improvements in the way harvest...
by David Herries | Jul 12, 2017 | Forest Inventory, UAV's / Drones
Interpine’s General Manager and Lake Okareka Rural Fire Force Deputy Station Officer FENZ Rural, David Herries will be providing insights into use #UAV #Drones during 2016/17 #fire season at #FRFANZ (#UFBA) conference 1-4 August 2017 in Auckland. After...
by David Herries | Jul 11, 2017 | Forest Inventory, Harvesting, UAV's / Drones
“rise of the #forest #drones” Interpine’s UAV team leader spoke recently at the FIEA HarvestTech 2017 conference in Rotorua. With of 450 delegates hearing about operational implementation and future opportunities that will see improvements in the way...
by David Herries | Jul 6, 2017 | Cloud Services, Company Updates, Forest Inventory, Harvesting, HarvestNav, STICKS, Valuation, YTGEN
Benefiting from machine information. Ian Wilson, Interpine’s Harvesting Servies Manager recently presented at HarvestTech 2017 in Rotorua. Ian profiled the StanForD information which can provide a wealth of information on machine operating for the harvest...
by David Herries | Jul 4, 2017 | Forest Inventory, GPS, UAV's / Drones
We often get asked about the extent in which a drone can map a #forest, how large is too large? It often comes down to careful planning and processing to help answer this question, and every scenario can be different. Here is an example of 533ha of forest mapped using...
by David Herries | Jun 28, 2017 | Forest Inventory, UAV's / Drones
Interpine’s UAV team preparing for the upcoming radiata pine planting season across our plantations in New Zealand. Targeting to ease the distribution of #forest #seedlings for #planting with our #UAV / #Dronestechnology. Distribution of planting boxes to those...
by David Herries | Jun 26, 2017 | Forest Inventory, Outside NZ
Everyday at Interpine we reflect on the interesting places our jobs as #foresters take us around the world. Visiting different but similar forests and cultures.
by David Herries | Jun 23, 2017 | Harvesting, STICKS, Value Recovery
#Forest #harvester system management through Interpine’s ForestPHD #STICKS Cloud Service. We are hosting an industry user workshop today at @ToiOhomai Forestry School in Rotorua. With some 20 million m3 of wood supply in STICKS over the last couple of years,...
by David Herries | Jun 22, 2017 | Cloud Services, Harvesting, Health and Safety, STICKS, UAV's / Drones
Interpine #UAV / #Drone and Harvesting Performance Systems team part of the field day showing recent advances in the harvesting technology being used and deployed into our #forest industry in New Zealand. This is coverage from #TVNZ One News reviewing the technology...