Unlock the Future of Forestry

Cutover Woody Residue Assessment

Using proven drone technology along with cutting edge AI algorithms to detect and measure cutover residue.

Cutover Residue can be measured to assess compliance with NES-CF slash regulations, as well as user-defined merchantable log specifications.

Traditionally cutover residue assessments have been undertaken using manual, ground-based methods. This involves physical measurement of line intersect plots across the harvested area – a costly and hazardous process that does not provide full visibility of residue across the entire cutover.

The technology can also be scaled to complete full assessments at a forest, catchment, coastline or even regional scale.


Unlock the Future of Forestry

Cutover Woody Residue Assessment

Using proven drone technology along with cutting edge AI algorithms to detect and measure cutover residue.

Cutover Residue can be measured to assess compliance with NES-CF slash regulations, as well as user-defined merchantable log specifications.

Traditionally cutover residue assessments have been undertaken using manual, ground-based methods. This involves physical measurement of line intersect plots across the harvested area – a costly and hazardous process that does not provide full visibility of residue across the entire cutover.

The technology can also be scaled to complete full assessments at a forest, catchment, coastline or even regional scale.


Post Harvest Quality Assurance

Cutover Assessment Woody Debris Assessment Detections Example

Stand Level Coverage with Plot Level Detail

We use cuttingedge AI algorithms to detect and measure cutover residue across the entire harvest area. This gives you the full picture of slash distribution, while also retaining highprecision measurement and categorization of individual pieces. This includes differentiation of sound/rotten pieces.

Permanent Record

Imagery and spatial analysis provide a permanent record of slash distribution at the time of assessment, which can be referred to after future events. 

Targeted Remediation

Imagery and spatial analysis provide a permanent record of slash distribution at the time of assessment, which can be referred to after future events. 

Cutover Woody Debris Slash Assessment Heat Map
Woody Debris Assessment 2023

Cost Efficient

Conventional residue assessments can be costly, and only cover a small sample of the total harvest area.  Drone-based methods provide full coverage of a harvest area with little or no extra costs.    

Increased Safety

Our drone-based assessment removes the need for a person to walk the cutover. Data collection can be done from the safety and security of landings or roadsides. Regardless of the size or steepness of the harvest area, the drone-based method provides unbiased, efficient and safe collection and analysis.    

Automated Slash Detection Classified by Length

Ai Deep Learning is used to detect woody debris across the harvest area, forest, catchment, or coastline areas.   Plots can be added and measured virtually to assess stump heights, volume of sawlog recovery, soundness of debris. 

Why do Residue and Slash Assessments?


Facilitates compliance with NES-CF regulations and Resource Consents. 


Allows targeting of clean-up operations to high-risk areas, increasing efficiency and reducing cost. 

Value Recovery

Maximizes recovery of merchantable wood.

Slash Accumulation on Harvest Area Analysis View in 3D

3D model volume per hectare with stream and flow movement risk modelling

Cutover Assessment Stump Heights
Cutover Assessment Waterway Management of Slash and Woody Debris
Slash Accumulation on Harvest Area Analysis View in 3D Risk Modelling
Cutover Assessment Woody Debris Detection - Heat amp of Slash

Getting Started with Woody Debris and Slash Assessments

Service Options

You Fly

Harvest Area Solution

Have a compatible drone? such as DJI Mavic 2 Pro, Mavic 3 Enterprise, Phantom4 Pro. 

We provide flight training and flight plans to conduct pre-programmed flights. 

We do the flight planning so you don’t need to. Send us the data for analysis.

We Fly

Harvest Area Solution

Our expert CAA 102 certified drone team will capture your harvest area with high resolution imagery, providing a full-service solution including analysis. 

At Scale

Forests / Catchments / Regions / Coastlines

Forest, Catchment, Coastline, or Full Regional level residue assessment using high resolution imagery from drones, aircraft or satellite.

Your Questions Answered


What flight software do we support and provide flight plans in?

We train you in use of Litchi flight control app for DJI drones, and DJI Pilot 2 app.


Are there two flights per harvest area ?

An overview mapping flight provides wide area debris detection, and plot-based flights enable details volumetric analysis and stump measurement. 


Can we just do an overview detection without the plot level analysis?

Yes, if you just need just an insight into the location and distrubution of slash / woody debris.

Updates and Support Articles

Revolutionizing Woody Debris Detection with AI

Affordable, Accurate, and Hassle-Free Monitoring of Woody Debris. Interpine has recently expanded it's artificial intelligence deep learning harvest cutover woody debris detection algorithms to scale at a forest, catchment, coastline or region using 10cm resolution...

Woody Debris and Slash Sampling Methodology Post Storm Events

Objective Quantify woody debris / slash content along the coastal, and inland catchment areas, characterizing it by woody debris source or type, volume per hectare, and the total volume accumulated. Sampling Methodology Review Line Intercept Sampling Plots Due to the...

Drone based Harvesting Cutover Merchantable Volume Assessment

Our GM / Director of Interpine, David Herries recently presented at HarvestTech 2021 in Rotorua, New Zealand on a new system for merchantable volume assessments using drones.  Improving safety and efficiency while being able to quantify harvest residues across often...

Cutover Residue Assessment Using Line Intercept Sampling

Practitioners Guide to the Methodology Introduction Concerned with improving the recovery of merchantable volume across a harvest cutover, a harvest supervisor or forest owner will often need to quantify how much is left post-harvest. The time and effort spent doing...

Harvest Cutover Residue Assessment > History

Over the years many of our clients from forest owners, harvesting crews and forest supervisors have asked about harvest cutover assessment methodology. Many have struggled with the concept of the line intersect sampling procedure, so I thought it might pay to document...

If we didn’t answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime.