Field Inventory Data Collector
Plotsafe is a software tool for collecting forest inventory data. It can be used for a range of forest surveys from a forest inventory survival survey to a quality control assessment.
Widely used across the forest industry in New Zealand, Australia and South America, it is available in both English and Spanish
Training courses, online user support and demo licences are available.
Functions of PlotSafe
Plotsafe is flexible and customisable making it user-friendly for a range of inventory data collection from pre-harvest inventory, to planting quality control.
Data collection is fully compatible with YTGen Forest yield analysis software and across a range of windows mobiles, desktops and tablets.
Customisable Platform
It’s customisable platform allows you to add or remove data entry fields at any level to collect additional information such as health and safety/hazard awareness checks, wildlife information, or additional carbon biomass data, thus enabling it to travel with the data and reduce field paper work
Each datafile begins with relational data structure of strata, plots, trees and stems.
More Functions
- User defined HOT-KEYS to speed data collection
- Fully usable without touch screen (during wet weather)
- Auto-save feature
- User defined default file locations
- Automatic plotsize adjustment for slope
- Export data to CSV, XML or YTF (YTGEN population files) files
- Small file size
- Compatibility – with Windows and Windows mobile tested, Windows 7, 8, 10 desk top PC’s and tablets and Windows mobile CE 5, 6 and 6.5 embedded devices
Additional Features
- Data entry validation options include pick-lists, numeric ranges, numeric or text defined fields, choose which fields are required, read only or hidden
- Collect single feature classifications like MARVL
- Collect over-lapped feature classifications at the stem level, allowing use of cruising dictionary standards like RAD05
- Allows for primary or secondary plot-types and circular, square, point sweep, line sweep, strip or no size plot shapes.
- Merge multiple files at the plot or tree level
- User-definable program limits and error checking, Errors and warnings are inherited to parent objects and view-able to the user in a drill-down style for easy file checking from the top level down.
- Time stamps for all data collected
- User controls are similar to DATAPLUS, another data collection product provided by Interpine to the industry.
Out in Industry
Customer Feedback
Custmer Feedback
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the software Licencing work?
A mobile handheld licence is a one-off purchase valid for the life of the device, whereas desktop licences are via annual subscription. Full and demo licences can be obtained by contacting Silmetra
Ltd, also contact them if you need to transfer a licence from a retired device to a new one. Of note, installing an update on a windows mobile device with an existing valid licence doesn’t require re-entering of licence info.
How can I start analysing the data I’ve collected?
Plotsafe data can be exported to three different formats. Firstly, as a format for generating forest yields using YTGen software. Data can be exported (or imported) in XML format. For general use, data can be exported as comma separated (CSV) text files, as a separate file for each data entry form. These can be opened in excel and summarised in a pivot table or chart, or better, imported into a database creating joins using the survey, stratum, plot and tree id fields. Once in a database create queries to transform the data how you want it, calculate statistics or filter out records meeting certain criteria. Setup a macro or stored procedure to automate the routine import of your data files.
If we didn't answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime.