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Latest ETS Updates and Articles
Comparison of ETS Lookup Tables and FMA Forest Specific Tables
Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) are now releasing formally derived carbon yield lookup tables for participates in the Emission Trading Scheme (ETS). These have been created specific to the forest and forest type based on inventory data collected through the...
Interpine Achieves 100% Quality Rating for LUCAS Post-89 Forest Survey
Interpine has completed ahead of time, the Nationwide Forest Carbon Inventory for Re-measurement of Post 1989 Forests completed over the winters of 2011,2012. A total of 202 and 193 plots were established or re-measured across the country in 2011 and 2012...
Guide to PlotSafe Data Collection – ETS Forest Measurement Approach – V1 Released
A freely available publication and data collection template is now available to help forest owners and forest inventory providers with electronically capturing carbon forest inventory data for the MPI Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) Forest Measurement Approach (FMA)....
PlotSafe to Support Data Collection for ETS Forest Measurement Approach (FMA)
Interpine is working on PlotSafe templates to allow the electronic data collection of ETS Forest Measurement Approach using New Zealands most used Forest Inventory Software. This generic public template will allow users to collect data on windows mobile handheld...
ETS FMA Standardised Inventory Systems for Collection and Analysis
The New Zealand ForestTech 2011 conference was held recently in Rotorua. Interpine's David Herries presented to the delegates a review of a standardised data collection system for electronic collection, storage and export of carbon forest inventory measurement data...
NZ ETS Forest Measurement Approach (FMA) Released
As of 1 Sept 2011, MAF have now released the New Zealand Emission Trading Scheme Forest Measurement Approach (FMA). Participates can now register to apply for their sample locations, and begin to organise field measurement operations. Interpine has been involved in...