Remote Desktop Cloud Computing for Forest Management
In a remote desktop environment your staff will gain secure access to powerful industry tools on our high speed servers. This means that you can have the power of advanced software tools common to large corporate forest companies without the complication and expense of setting up and maintaining software and hardware systems.
Small or fragmented forest management teams can access stand records, maps and harvesting production data anywhere with an internet connection.
Forestry managers (of all size) have the ability to maintain an easily query-able store of all forest stand records and log scales, including current status of the forest and the historical events within the GEOMaster forest information system.
Client Software
Clients can access data when and where needed whether it is Microsoft Office 365, ATLAS applications, Maps or Harvest and Inventory Data applications.
Scalable and Secure
Built on Microsoft Azure, the platform ensures high availability and scalability to accommodate growing data needs. Your data is protected through Azure’s secure infrastructure, with encryption and compliance with industry standards to ensure privacy.
Key Functions
- Central repository of all forestry related information
- GEOmaster stores a complete history of events in the forest
- Full integration with ArcGIS or use with ATLAS GIS Manager
- Manage your whole estate, including reserve areas, risks, assets and riparian zones
- Cable harvest planning tools
- Log scales tracking and distribution, and invoicing with PS Log Harvest Information System
- Yield projection and analysis using FFR Forecaster and/or YTGEN
- Access to the latest mircosoft office suite for seamless analysis, export and review the data
- provisions of base layers of GIS Information to overlay with your own forests
- Multiple monitor support for ease of viewing GIS datasets
- Cloud file storage
- Easy and quick reporting on stand maps, MPI NFED reporting, ETS reporting, harvest information reporting and invoicing
Client Software Options
- ATLAS GeoMaster, Harvest Manager, Document Manager, SilviQC, Yield Table Manager.
- ATLAS GIS Manager, and Permanent Sample Plot Manager.
- Cable Harvest Planning Solution.
- ESRI ArcMap Desktop
- FFR Forecaster
- Microsoft Office 365
- PlotSafe Forest Inventory Data Capture
- PSLog Harvesting Information System
- Roadeng
- SOTI MobiControl Smart Device Manager
- STICKS Harvest and Woodflow System