Cloud Computing for Forest Management

take your data with you from the office to the field

Remote Desktop Cloud Computing for Forest Management

In a remote desktop environment your staff will gain secure access to powerful industry tools on our high speed servers.  This means that you can have the power of advanced software tools common to large corporate forest companies without the complication and expense of setting up and maintaining software and hardware systems.



Small or fragmented forest management teams can access stand records, maps and harvesting production data anywhere with an internet connection.

Forestry managers (of all size) have the ability to maintain an easily query-able store of all forest stand records and log scales, including current status of the forest and the historical events within the GEOMaster forest information system.

Client Software

Clients can access data when and where needed whether it is Microsoft Office 365, ATLAS applications, Maps or Harvest and Inventory Data applications.

Scalable and Secure

Built on Microsoft Azure, the platform ensures high availability and scalability to accommodate growing data needs. Your data is protected through Azure’s secure infrastructure, with encryption and compliance with industry standards to ensure privacy.


Key Functions
  • Central repository of all forestry related information
  • GEOmaster stores a complete history of events in the forest
  • Full integration with ArcGIS or use with ATLAS GIS Manager
  • Manage your whole estate, including reserve areas, risks, assets and riparian zones
  • Cable harvest planning tools
  • Log scales tracking and distribution, and invoicing with PS Log Harvest Information System
  • Yield projection and analysis using FFR Forecaster and/or YTGEN
  • Access to the latest mircosoft office suite for seamless analysis, export and review the data
  • provisions of base layers of GIS Information to overlay with your own forests
  • Multiple monitor support for ease of viewing GIS datasets
  • Cloud file storage
  • Easy and quick reporting on stand maps, MPI NFED reporting, ETS reporting, harvest information reporting and invoicing
Client Software Options
  • ATLAS GeoMaster, Harvest Manager, Document Manager, SilviQC, Yield Table Manager.
  • ATLAS GIS Manager, and Permanent Sample Plot Manager.
  • Cable Harvest Planning Solution.
  • ESRI ArcMap Desktop
  • FFR Forecaster
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • PlotSafe Forest Inventory Data Capture
  • PSLog Harvesting Information System
  • Roadeng
  • SOTI MobiControl Smart Device Manager
  • STICKS Harvest and Woodflow System

Out in Industry

Our GIS Services Team Delivers Successful GeoMaster Training Course

We are pleased to announce the successful completion of another GeoMaster course by our GIS Services team. Interpine proudly hosts GeoMaster as one of our premier cloud service products for forest management together with the ESRI ArcGIS software suite. This course...

Boosting ArcMap Performance with GPU Acceleration on Interpine Cloud Remote Desktop

Our team upgraded the Cloud system servers Graphics processing unit (GPU) capability with Azure which will enable a better performance from ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Desktop. ArcGIS Pro will automatically detect and use hardware acceleration (the graphics card) if it’s...

Tips to speed up the performance of ArcMap and GeoMaster in the Interpine cloud environment

Sometimes the responsiveness of ArcMap in the cloud environment is less than users would like, leading to frustration and slower work. Here are some tips that may improve matters.  General IT measures  Your internet connection needs to be above 80 Mbps to get good...

Planet SkySat Imagery Replacing Traditional Airborne Imagery for Forest Remapping

Empowering foresters with up-to-date high-resolution satellite imagery over their forests from Planet SkySat 0.5m GSD flexible tasking and base map products. It is now even easier to update your ESRI ArcGIS & GeoMaster Forest Information System in our cloud...

Using Google Earth Pro within Interpine Cloud Remote Desktop Services

Google Earth Pro is available for use within our Cloud Remote Desktop Services for Forest Management.   This is a goto for many needing a quick reference of geospatial data when managing forestry operations.   Here are some quick tips / frequently asked questions when...

Install / Gain Access to ArcMap Addins such as GeoMaster Mobile Manager

There are some add-ins to ArcMap such as GeoMaster Mobile Manager than need to accessible by end users.   To enable these Open ArcMap and under the the Customize Tab select Add-In Manager. Click on the Options tab and click the Add Folder... button. Navigate to...

Use Common Spatial Data Shared to All Users (Topo Maps, Cadastral Boundaries, Roads, Streams and more)

Making maps is all about having access to spatial layers which provide layers such as roading, streams and contour data.   Within the Interpine Forest Management Cloud we publish common spatial datasets centrally for all registered users to access.   This not only...

ATLAS GeoMaster ArcGIS Geodatabase Setup for Cloud Users

To allow for best practice implementation of GeoMaster deployed within our cloud environment, this document outlines the common setup for most users with regard to ArcGIS file based geodatabases setup for users. Most of our users will have the following structure to...

PSLOG Export to Excel > Troubleshooting

PSLOG is used by many of our users inside our Cloud Remote Desktop Service.  Some users have reported an issue where they get an error message when exporting some of the PSLOG reporting to EXCEL.  This could appear as an OLE Error message such as shown below.  The...

Sharing Files / Folders with Your Forestry Contractors Using Microsoft Office 365

As a forest manager using our cloud services, you can use Microsoft 365 OneDrive and SharePoint to set up folders for contractors to access information or just provide them with a link to a place to upload their data or files.   For example, you might have a harvest...
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Frequently Asked Questions

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